It's sudoku. With Cats.
If you like sudoku you'll like it, if you like cats maybe you'll like it, if you don't like either you'll not like it. pretty simple

This game is hard as s*it. luckly on ps plus you can completely break it by abusing of the rewind function.
without it the last levels would be a nightmare

i've been kinda disappointed by this?
ok, i love tetris and i love rez/child of light and i was exited by this awesome mix that everyone was going crazy about but... yeah. it's good. but not that awesome

Man... being a gamer in the 80 was not a joke

short but sweet shmup. accessible also to newcomers like me

this is the perfect example of how you take a game with awesome fun mechanics and you successfully turn it into a way less enjoyable game by placing stupid puzzle and timed mechanics into it.
just let me smash things with my hammer ffs

kinda boomer shooter, kinda flash game, all capibara. good times

another turd game masterpiece form sg midnight. those deformed anime girls paired with empty streets will haunt me for months

yup. this is a bad mobile game that somehow went on sale for 20€ on the store. if you like crap, you'll love it.
it's more fun to break it in every possible way rather than playing it for real for more than 20 seconds

it could have been a nice chill and good looking game but they decided to ruin it with the most stupid, boring and frustrating features possible. You need to CONSTANTLY recharge your power by barking at a stupid flower that is always conveniently yes near but yet far enough to force you to backtrack a little.
and oh boy... the seventh chapter... a huge forest with no indication of what you need to do or where you need to go. you just randomly roam around till you find you're stupid way into the lower part of the castle.

again... it could have been a way more enjoyable game but no.

Stylish comic book like 2.5D action.
Intriguing story about a not so far distopia future where anyone is monitored by the government and given social credit based on their actions.

Gameplay is basic but it works fine.

Graphically... Pretty poor but the black and white aesthetic helps covering some low quality characters and textures

nice little title composed by three stories about love and couple life. cute but kinda too semplicistic and "oriental"

A nice throwback to sixth/seventh generation titles. It's stupid, it's fast, it's fun and it knows that.
the story is b-movie style with over the top characters with oneliners and 2 brain cells but it only contributes to the fun.

gameplay really reminds me of a good mix between new god of war games and shadows of the damned with the aesthetics of wet and damnation

you love virtua racing? you'll love this one.
you don't? stay away
you don't even know what i'm talking about? well this is a super arcade racing game, one of those easy to pickup but hard to master at higher difficulties. it's simple, it's fast, it's "old" but not gold

good pinball game if you like the genre. nice tables inspired but early ps3 exclusives. some tables are great some are bad. especially the fat princess one. that table is just pure crap