18 reviews liked by GlazedGoose

Surprised by the number of people who think of this game as predatory or morally bankrupt in some way. It's simple - a game where you just WASD around, where every weapon is a passive effect, and the game never really attempts to disguise the fact that unlocking more things just changes the components of the light show.

You don't have to enjoy the game (or even respect it, really), but there's definitely room for stuff like this to exist in the landscape without it degrading the medium or whatever the concern might be. There's still a game here, there's still concern for how systems interact with each other and you can still come up with unique strategies using the handful of tools you're given. It's not artistically ambitious, but I don't think it has to be. The existence of fine dining does not render fast food obsolete.

Got all achievements and secrets filled out today. What can I say about this game it started an absolute wave of copycat games that were immediately inspired by the simple gameplay. It scratched the itch I feel with other games of this type with tons of unlockables and things to collect (Binding of Isaac) and it was fun to hunt down the secrets but it did at times feel like an idle game with a little more depth. I definitely would not have put as much time in the game if I was not also watching The Sopranos it's the perfect game to have on while watching something else. Overall I would say I like the games inspired by this more like 20 Minutes til Dawn but I have put a lot of time in because of the laid-back and relaxing nature it had for me.

Lots of weirdo discussion surrounding a game that's just a mobile game but with MTX replaced with a $5 buy-in. It's a steam deck time killer and it's fine

damn they got sin AND punishment? talk about stacked

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1/5th horror pet simulator, 1/5th haunting commentary on reality, 1/5th dark philosophical questioning of human existence, 1/5th traumatic psychological depiction of growth, and 1/5th Dragon Ball Z references.



The most boring Frogger game I have played

it's about as boring as the movies. this is a great adaptation

1 list liked by GlazedGoose