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GoatedQuest finished Dark Cloud
Interested in Dark Cloud but haven't played it yet?
Maybe it’s an all-time favorite and you want some more history?

Check out this “Prep Kit”, full of pre-release coverage, interviews, advertising and merchandise to get you in that Launch Day mindset!

Let me help make every game you play feel brand new, no matter how old

8 days ago

9 days ago

10 days ago

10 days ago

10 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

GoatedQuest finished Hotline Miami
Interested in Hotline Miami but haven't played it yet?
Maybe you’ve had it kicking around in your steam library for years from a Humble Bundle or something and you're thinking it's finally time to boot it up?

Check out this Prep Kit! It's got
- Dennaton's pre-release presentation at Fantastic Arcade 2012!
- Email Correspondence between Jonatan Söderström & Devolver Digital establishing their partnership
- A playable version of the prototype "Super Carnage" that would inspire Hotline Miami
- Show Floor footage of Rezzed 2012 where Hotline Miami made its debut
- …and way more!

I’ve compiled everything in one place to help take you back to 2012 and get you in that Launch Day mindset! Can you believe it was Jan Willem Nijman of Vlambeer that linked up Dennaton & Devolver? Check it out -

Let me help make every game you play feel brand new, no matter how old

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

GoatedQuest reviewed Hotline Miami
Interested in Hotline Miami but haven't played it yet?
Maybe you’ve had it kicking around in your steam library for years from a Humble Bundle or something and you're thinking it's finally time to boot it up?

Check out this Prep Kit! It's got
- Dennaton's pre-release presentation at Fantastic Arcade 2012!
- Email Correspondence between Jonatan Söderström & Devolver Digital establishing their partnership
- A playable version of the prototype "Super Carnage" that would inspire Hotline Miami
- Show Floor footage of Rezzed 2012 where Hotline Miami made its debut
- …and way more!

I’ve compiled everything in one place to help take you back to 2012 and get you in that Launch Day mindset! Can you believe it was Jan Willem Nijman of Vlambeer that linked up Dennaton & Devolver? Check it out -

Let me help make every game you play feel brand new, no matter how old

11 days ago

11 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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