Log Status






Time Played

52h 20m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 25, 2022

First played

February 6, 2022

Platforms Played


I liked this game a lot! It kind of doesn't feel like it takes place in the Arland continuity due to way the game plays, but I am totally okay with that, as it means there's no time limit. I didn't hate it in previous games, but it wasn't my preferred type of Atelier game.

Anyway, the second part of this game was the fanservice when it comes to previous Arland characters coming back and interacting with the new cast of characters. Seeing past protagonists, side characters, and even locations was a real treat. Hell, they even made Totori a way more likable character.

What was the best part? The art! Often in games that are visual novel-esque, it's always a real treat when you get new event art during an important moment. And Kishida Mel's masterful artwork made me SO much more excited than usual for that. He's improved so much since the original Arland trilogy!

I think Lulua was kind of a boring protagonist, though. She was kind of generic as far as Atelier protagonists go. While I didn't hate her or anything, she didn't have any unique, defining character traits other than she never gives up, and she likes curry a lot.

I also wasn't a fan of the pacing. The story slows to a C R A W L midway through the game. It really just feels like they did this to pad out the game time. I have no problem with long games, but there were some main quests that felt more like side quests, and I wasn't a fan of that.

And lastly, while the Alchemyriddle was a cool idea, I ultimately gave up on solving these and just looking up the solutions, since so many of them are waaaay too vague. I think they sort of executed on this sort of idea better in Ryza 2.

Ultimately, while I have some gripes, I think this is a really fun game! The Arland series of Atelier games was a fun change of pace when compared to the Ryza duology. Playing around with multiple protagonists interacting over the course of this series was a ton of fun.