313 Reviews liked by Goldfield

The Chinese Room actually made a good game.

Makes the writing of the original Resident Evil look like a fucking masterpiece. The combat system has some pretty neat ideas, but it ultimately ruined by the repetitive structure and enemy placements.

maybe the strongest example of an indie developer missing the entire point of contemporary gameplay trends

Desperately wanted to like this one, but the high encounter rate mixed with the extremely slow animations and loading times makes me feel miserable. Not sure why it bothers me so much here because normally I can stomach this kind of stuff well.

Also doesn't help that the system with the different masters and the acquiring of new skills is extremely unintuitive ... And almost feels pointless given how you can just auto battle through everything. At least in the first 10 hours.

A shame, because the music and artstyle is great and I enjoyed the characters. Maybe I should just watch an LP on the side or something.

Dead Rising 3 lost pretty much everything that was good about the series to begin with. Lots of people never understood the appeal, but it was always about time management, familiarizing with the environment, goofy humour and exploration.

This game just throws all of that out of the window. The time is ridiculously generous to the point where I wasn't even sure there was a timer running for most of the game and barely mattered. I fucked around a lot and still did every single sidequest without really trying too hard. It felt like I was working off a list instead of frantically trying to rescue as many people as possible.

The game also just throws items, combo cards and even cars at you. While in the other games it was a powerful moment to get permanent access to a car, they're now everywhere and readily available. Even combo cars that wreck a whole district worth of zombies.

It also doesn't help that every single collectible is shown on the map. Just randomly entering buildings and stores feels like a waste of time since you can tell where the next item is lying anyway. Fun and random side activities like the casino are also gone. The game still has it's funny moments, but they're so far and few between that they feel even more out of place than before. Also really wasn't a fan of the soundtrack in this game. The psychopath themes and mall music were always a real delight to listen to and here there's just nothing.

Still, the controls of the game are an improvement and the A.I. is less frustrating to deal with (for better and worse). I like how you can pick up items in the middle of running and throw them without going into aiming mode. The new weapon combinations are also really creative and fun to use. Just wish the items weren't lying right next to each other ALL the time. The skill system is an okay idea if you're not into the randomness of the previous games, but at the same time just feels uninteresting. This might be a preference thing though, I like to be surprised.

Dead Rising 3 is fine if you're just in the mood of randomly fucking up zombies, wreck stuff with a whole gang of companions or coop partners and play around with creative weapons. The storyline was fine, but even that was done better before and the ending feels extremely rushed.

That final level almost broke me, but aside from the awful platforming at the end it was a very enjoyable experience. The camera is a bit fucked, menus should be faster and the difficulty is kind of all over the place, but customizing your AC and seeing it in action is pretty fun. A solid foundation for sure.

I've never done drugs, but I kinda understand what being addicted to something feels like now thanks to this beautiful game.

I played for three hours, realized the gameplay was absolute dogshit and won't get any better, then I stopped.

Now THIS is a good ass game. This is how you do a JRPG. Kiryu and Ichiban shine so bright in Infinite Wealth. The combat, story, characters, world, Substories, and Sujimon make this one of the best experiences I've had in a long time.

My biggest problem doesn't come from the game but the business practices of locking NG+ behind a paywall. Because this is a game that everyone can replay well, its so high quality.

Other than that, fuck it, its a 10.

high end space pc's crawling around at 30-40 fps (crashing every 5 minutes as well), microtransactions that literally play the game for you (but they did it in dmc5 and re4 too!, just check out mhw's DLC page man!) and not let you change your appearance without paying (but you can grind for the credits that lets you change it!), or hell, locking you into a single save file (that won't even let you delete it) is completely okay when a Japanese video company like CAPCOM Co. Ltd. does it, people who hopelessly "negative review" this game are barely wishful thinking since 200,000 concurrent players on steam alone already said "yes" to this practice, i can only hope mh wilds don't get plagued by this, but i know it will


do not buy japanese games on the computer.

Anti consumer and anti hardware game. Such a lame.

More like Dragon's Dogshit 2
The PC version is unplayable. The story seems interesting, but all of this is being ruined because of the game's low quality.
It's sad seeing a high profile release like this in such a terrible state. With such a big price, you would've expected a much better quality of gameplay.
Another shit port from Capcom with Denuvo, bad optimisation and micro transactions 👍👍
P.S. I didn't buy this game and probably wont ( I wont support these greedy fuckers)
Review based on watching other streamers play.

Thats that game of the year u were all talking about so much 🤣🤣

70€ single player game + denuvo + mtx + atrocious perfomance + crashes

I've waited 12 years for this. I'm tired, boss. I'm tired of people defending all this shit.

Also, if you don't see how these mtx and the performance issues are two facets of the same issues, you're hopeless. They are both born of the same greed. They cut corners in optimisation and testing, resulting in the crap performance issues, due to the same greed that makes them milk idiots for mtx.