Forever my favorite arc. Gosh, I cry every time when the scenes with Renne or Tio start to hit. I remember how I first didn’t like Randy that much back then (I never disliked him, though), but chapter by chapter, I started to love this bro so much. This game even manages to make me like a dude like Dudley.

This game manages so well to present you the overarching story without letting you realize it from the start. Just near the ending, you realize how much of the overarching story happened right at the start. What seemed like subplots at first turns out to be one of the best happenings of a complex and mind fckn conspiracy.

First time on Nightmare this time. First Nightmare experience in Trails ever. That was an experience. Loved and enjoyed it so much!

If I could pick one game that I had to play forever, it would be Trails from Zero.

Honestly, it might be the best browser game I’ve ever played.

The game of all time. It is what Breath of the Wild should’ve been in so many ways, which is hardcore to say, since BotW is already a masterpiece, but it got almost obsolete with the release of Tears of the Kingdom.

It improved in so many ways. The best sequel of all time, without a doubt. It has been a very long time since I had as much fun with a video game like with Tears of the Kingdom.

Some flaws got taken over, though, I’m not gonna lie and I wish the surface of Hyrule got changed a bit more radically, but it’s alright.

The final boss is probably the best final boss in the entire series. Wow! This is what Breath of the Wild should have done with the final boss: having great and epic fights and amazing presentation.

I don’t know if I want the same Hyrule or map a third time, though. The next game better takes place somewhere else or has a brand new Hyrule.

I was initially afraid of this remake. There were a few things I didn’t like from what I’ve seen in the gameplay footage. Light works like ass and sometimes you couldn’t see shit, like really, absolutely NOTHING, even though you used the flashlight.

Turns out it’s not that bad, although still whack. But at least playable.

So yeah, really liked the game. Not worth the full price at all. Didn’t really need it either. Rebooting 3 or doing 4 would’ve been much better, but it’s better than nothing. I’m glad I played this with my friend, so I didn’t have to buy it. Maybe get it when it’s 20-30 bucks.

It comes with a lot of pros and cons compared to the original, too, but I think I like the remake a bit more.

DS2 > DSR > DS

Frustrating camera, always gets EATEN by kaiju enemies, so I can’t see shit and it always gets locked on the kaiju as well, so I can’t see smaller enemies attacking me, especially when they have range or distance attacks.

Viola is not only absolutely boring, she’s also obnoxiously annoying and her moveset is complete garbage.

The multiverse ooga-booga gets bonkers in the worst way possible, making one of the worst finales and endings I have EVER experienced.

100% frustrating experience.

Designed for casuals, but it was alright

I am a big fan of Dead Space 2 and I really love the original Dead Space as well, while the third entry was disappointing and mediocre. So of course The Callisto Protocol was one of my most anticipated games of 2022, but I quickly realized that it won’t meet my expectations, even before release. Many design and business choices stole this game’s thunder.

Repetitive enemies, totally unbalanced abilities, disappointing and reused “bosses”, stupid story and the levels are poorly designed, because you don’t even know which path is optional and which is not, since it’s not indicated or shown like in the Dead Space series. Have fun missing out a lot of Callisto Credits, items and other content.

The graphics are stunning and the sound design is incredible. When it comes to pure atmosphere, this game does a lot things right.

I’m not against DLCs or long life support, but I think the company is hiding too much content behind a paywall and maybe free updates as well. I really felt like I didn’t get the full experience with this game. And I won’t bother getting the DLC or playing this game ever again.

I’d be hyped for the Dead Space remake, but from what I’ve seen so far, I’m not really looking forward to it… so many chances and opportunities with the return of SciFi horror games and the developers miss them all. Sad.


I need to shelve it because of its themes. It wasn’t a good idea to play this game right after reading Oyasumi Punpun. I will come back to it, though.

Unplayable mess and a scam. Don’t need to play it honestly, I’ve seen enough. If this wouldn’t be Pokémon or a popular Nintendo IP, this would cause a massive scandal like Cyberpunk 2077 at launch.

Played it at my friend’s home for a few hours now. And it’s even worse experiencing it for myself.

PlayStation 3 graphics and 30 FPS lock is all I’m saying. Didn’t play it, just watched a bit of gameplay and it looks like trash. Scam in my opinion. I’m not dumb enough to pay for this game or to waste any of my lifetime on it.


I have to admit, Cyberpunk 2077 is far less RPG than I expected. All in all, it’s more Skyrim- and Fallout 4-esque, i.e. open world action adventure with RPG elements and after Act 1, the map is throwing countless symbols at you. You got five skill trees from which you can max out 3 and you got a few points left to invest a little bit in the other 2. Stealth simply doesn’t work as it should be, hacking skills are nice to have, but they won’t clear entire enemy bases for you, so it’s an agony of choice. Maxing out body, reflexes and technical ability. Body and reflexes are must have at this point, the third one can be chosen, doesn’t really matter.

Choices do not matter as much as I was hoping for. I’m aware there are different endings, but as it stands so far, it all depends on how you decide at the end of the game which invalidates previous choices pretty much. It’s all basically very streamlined.

For now, I will shelve the game, because it can’t satisfy my thirst for role-playing games, but I will come back to it at some point.

Edit: the 2.0 update added level scaling, so I put the rating down by a full star, from 3.5 stars to 2.5 stars

This one is so hard to rate. Do I rate it as a collection and how the collection should be? Or do I rate this solely based on how much I love the included games? Both? Ugh… should I even consider that this was a lazy cashgrab? All of it?

Super Mario 64 is great, Super Mario Sunshine is flawed, but I love it and Super Mario Galaxy is a straight masterpiece. Galaxy plays best on Switch, Sunshine has a few technical errors compared to Dolphin Emulation and 64 could’ve gotten updated graphics and wide screen and even the extra content of the DS version and this collection should’ve included Super Mario Galaxy 2, so this was a missed opportunity. For three emulated games, it was or is too expensive. The time-limited release is FOMO at its best, screw this.

Nonetheless, great games. What can I say? Could’ve been a 10/10 collection, is a 7/10 collection, but the games are still great and all, so 8/10.

You all know the pros and cons.

A once in a lifetime experience that only gets dragged down due to its non-existent replayability. Otherwise, it’s almost a masterpiece.