How can you not like pickled olives?


It is downright dreadful how clever this journey gets with every passing hour and how many secrets are masterfully hidden under the simple facade. I genuinely lost the count of "holy shit" moments with this one.

Animal Well is a great example of a game that excels at outgrowing its confining boundaries. Its haunting simplicity invites you to find secrets and solve clever puzzles, which there are a lot of!
It was made from scratch by one guy (Billy Basso!), and that's the most impressive aspect of it all
...apart from being exactly like Halo 2 and 3 combined.

Once again I am reminded of how using an old search engine felt. Turns out it's mostly tedious, but I respect the commitment to the idea.

In the realm of the Cryptmaster, you OPEN chests, TALK to characters, FIGHT, and FISH using only words typed on your keyboard. This feature is what makes the experience original and plays into its humor.
It's riddled with riddles, cheeky responses, and clever wordplay, but also problematic design flaws, the worst being its skill-unlocking progression. After completing most of what the game had to offer, I still lacked a lot of abilities, which especially showed its ugly face in the last area, with fights literally impossible to win.
Combat, while definitely unique, ultimately funneled all fights into mindlessly executing one or two trusty word combos, if you know how to win, there's no stopping you (unless you can't!) and the game does too little to diversify the encounters.
All of this has a silver lining since its core idea is phenomenal, and I would love to play something similar, maybe more mechanically sound, in the future.

Someone made a solid platformer and sprinkled questionable level design on top, but the soundtrack from Jake Kaufman and lively spritework make quite the recompensation for it!

I enjoyed the characters and their interactions much more than I expected and was somewhat let down by the level design.
The quality of the art style is finally on par with the pixel art, but the music took the cake in my eyes.

What if man wanted "clothing", but God said "bear"?

I truly believe that game design peaked in this 1998 classic.
That's why I am extremely sad that it all went to hell in the domain of Boss Baby.

For my money, The Room 4 is THE Room to play.

First of all, I'd like to applaud the creators for finally making a Shantae game into a proper Metroidvania, unlike the previous game, with a proper big map to explore and find little secrets.
That being said, as always it features the iffy level design, in my head now iconic to the series, with some fun gimmicks on one side and ability gatekeeping caves lazily reinforcing constant backtracking on the other.
What sweetens its flaws for me are the animated cutscenes, goofy interactions between characters, and charming visuals, sometimes little touches like these can make an okay experience feel quite good, and that was the case for me!

It feels so good to go from being more yakuza than the yakuza to being a disco king.