67 Reviews liked by GrandMaster5

"Beginner mode"

Gets blasted to hell and back on a tiny DS screen with enough explosions to make Michael Bay blush and so many particles you'd think you're playing Touhou

I mean, the game sucks but I used to love it on PSP when I was a kid. It was free with PS Plus Deluxe, so of course I had to play it and beat it! Nostalgia is the only reason this game is scoring as high as it is.

Minabo tuvo 3 hijos con menos de 17 años.
Minabo de 80 años se hizo el mejor amigo de un chico de 13.
Minabo acarició a todos los gatos que se encontró por el camino.
Minabo fue devorado por la señora Topota sin ningún tipo de contemplación.

Minabo es chiste de penes primero y juego regulero después. Uno que más allá del "jaja, nabo" no tiene nada interesante quitando una estética muy conseguida.

Va de conexiones y del camino que hacemos en la vida; pero lo limita todo. El número de interacciones con otros se reduce a 3 y todas son simple y puro azar. Esta aleatoriedad se presenta ya sea con los padres, el mejor amigo o la pareja con la que llevas 40 años.

Todos nos hemos reído mucho, aunque sinceramente preferiría un buen juego con un nombre sin meme.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has always been a staple of my video game "currently playing" list, and for a while I though it would be trapped there forever. I purchased this game in early 2018 about a year after the switch first released, and I've had an on/off relationship with it for the past five years. In the time span that I've owned it, it has seen many of my favorite games come and go... so I'm very glad to have finally beaten it.

Sufficed to say, it lives up to 5+ years of nonstop positivity. I completed the game with all 120 shrines, about 80% of the Hyrule Compendium filled up, and 150 hours of total gameplay. The majority of it was fun, but the world can feel a bit empty at times. Combat was flexible, collecting items was enjoyable, and bosses were fairly challenging.

I don't have any strong negative feelings towards this game. The story was middling/average, but it didn't really matter in the long run. Real freedom in a Zelda game made the experience top-notch, but the Ancient Sheikah environments could get tiring after a while.

Breath of the Wild is not my favorite Zelda game, as I have a much stronger liking towards the classic Zelda formula. However, I appreciate how it reinvented the Zelda series and gave players hundreds of hours of content, and will look back on my experience fondly. 4.5/5. Excellent.

One of the best fantasy games to date. A bit outdated, but 2 should fix that.

This review contains spoilers

Final Fantasy VII comes from a weird little era of game history where every game is very visibly aged, in at least one way or another. The fifth generation of console’s most remembered games often have visually aged more than their fourth generation counterparts. Final Fantasy VII looks weird, it plays weird, and it’s more influential than almost every game in the series since. Square’s intense marketing of spinoffs definitely plays into that, but looking back on the game, its modern game design sensibilities really shine through. First and foremost, Final Fantasy VII is super smooth. Its storyline has just the right pace, through the lens of a remarkably likeable cast of characters, while playing like nothing else that had existed yet.

Final Fantasy VII’s story is used wonderfully to fuel its electric-fast pacing. The first half of the game has you constantly jumping from set piece to set piece. Every single one of those locations counts, they’re all beautifully shown to you through hyper-detailed backdrops. The game doesn’t need to tell you much about Midgar at all, the slums wordlessly show you a people who live together from whatever scraps of metal they can get their hands on. Then you get to explore the whole world, and see how that world has dealt with the dominance of Shinra. In the second half of the game, you begin to revisit many of the previous locations in the game, yet the game’s pacing doesn’t sway. These revisits are glamorous and placed perfectly to get even more worldbuilding richness out of these places than it had the opportunity to on your first visits. The game’s optional content is equally as natural to its setting, often discovered simply by revisiting previous locations as the world has changed by your own volition. All of these components come together to form a world that is richly detailed, refined, and an absolute joy to run through as you go through the game’s golden standard steampunk-fantasy plotline.

Alongside FFVII’s story comes its character cast, which is what a lot of people would consider most iconic about the game. We have our mainstage hero, Cloud Strife, introduced with complete disinterest to that position as a hero. In a genre heavily defined by power fantasy and self insert protagonists, Cloud’s story of failing his dreams is fantastic and unique. Every single mandatory party member gets their own story arc where we learn more about their problems, and it’s hard not to love every single one of them. Even Cait Sith, even if he’s a narc! By the end, my favourites were absolutely Cloud, Aerith, and Barret. Aerith is whimsical and has a good sense of humour, but she’s also strong, and you can feel that she’s lived a burdening life. Barret is intense, and emotional, but shows introspection and maturity in just the right places to make his passionate personality totally believable.

Final Fantasy VII’s biggest gameplay difference from its previous entries is its new central mechanic, Materia. Materia’s game design is immediately intuitive compared to previous FF game’s Job systems, as it enforces the player to create their own characters from scratch, built from individual moves synergizing together. By the end of the game, Final Fantasy VII will have taught the player how to make their own job classes out of their collection of materia, teaching them how to use the stat changes Materia gives to their fullest. It does all of this without any tricks, or forcing the player to commit to anything they don’t fully understand, unlike Class selections at the start of games. This is fantastic, and results in Final Fantasy VII being an incredible beginner’s RPG.
On the other hand, this results in the differences between characters in your party being even vaguer than a class name. Those differences mostly come down to minor stat distinctions and Limit Breaks, most of which you won’t see in a single playthrough. This results in the game’s party feeling expendable, as any character can have a set of materia tossed onto them and function mostly the same as someone else on the team. The game developer’s also seemed to realize this, and fully take advantage of it, filling the game with many moments of temporary party member loss. Those wouldn’t have worked without the expendability that materia allows for, but that just makes me question the value those moments bring in general.
Final Fantasy VII may have the most iconic video game character death of all time, but I can’t say I felt that loss through the gameplay. I traded around my materia and quickly moved on. This isn’t a huge flaw of the game, but it’s easy to see that modern games can convey both temporary and permanent loss much better. Materia has pure game design behind it, and is potent for easing people into the gameplay, but it muddies the water of how distinct each party member is from each other.

Looking back, the combat definitely isn’t the only reason that Final Fantasy VII’s gameplay was so memorable. Final Fantasy VII is packed with minigames and micro-mechanics to go through that’s unlike any other game I’ve ever played. Some of these suck, or have just aged pathetically, but the pretense it sends is so strong. Final Fantasy VII is a game so confident in itself that it tries to give every new plot point its own game engine. If there’s anything about the game that has sent ripples of influence to the medium as a whole, it’s that. Cloud snowboarded down that mountain so that Nathan Drake could run up one.

Final Fantasy VII isn’t just an influential RPG, it’s the rosetta stone of the modern action adventure game. It’s filled to the brim with densely detailed backdrops, and cinematic cutscenes of huge machinery and giant monsters. With its remarkable ability to transform any action movie moment that’d fit into something playable: from motorcycle chases to submarine duels, the promise it gave to people in 1997 for what a video game could be is astounding. Then combine that with an explosive 3 disk long storyline of fighting dictators, aliens, and evil overlords, you can tell why this was the game that made JRPGs a thing people cared about everywhere. But is any of this impressive in the current year, watching those dinky action figure looking character models yell at each other? Well, yeah, a lot about the game still hits the modern golden standard– RPGs to this day still struggle with having immediately gripping intros, or as effortless of worldbuilding as this game's. Its replayability is as potent as any modern action adventure game, with every room holding a secret. And despite being shown through those dinky 3D models, all those character designs have been worshipped for 25 years. Has Final Fantasy VII aged poorly? Well, there’s certainly things modern games have gotten better at, that’s for sure. But that’s exactly why this game is so memorable, it predicts a future of what modern video games could be like, and inspires that future into reality.

Side note, this playthrough of the game was through the Switch port. It’s pretty good, but I have an issue with it. It has a great 3x speed-up button, which doesn’t speed up music or sound effects, preserving the immersion that speeding up in emulators usually loses. It also has a random encounter disable button, which is convenient sometimes, and a ‘battle enhancement’ button that gives you cheats, which is pretty useful for grinding. My one issue is that I don’t like playing the game in 1080p. When the models and the backgrounds don’t blend together through resolution, they clash real bad compared to the PS1 version. I think that all the ports that run FFVII in 1080p have retroactively tricked people into thinking the game looked worse on the PS1 than it actually did, it even tricked me for a while. There should be an option to play the game with enlarged PS1 resolution, like how the PS3 or PS vita versions naturally would. It also crashes sometimes. Good port overall, could be better.

System: PS5

Got Platinum Trophy

Well... where do I even begin? With Marvel's Spider-Man on the PS4 being one of my favorite games of all time, it's safe to say that I had extremely high expectations for this game. It's been a couple of days since I beat it, and I can finally confirm that yes, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 reached my expectations and even went a little beyond them. It is not a perfect game at all. The story felt a bit messier, and the side content was not as enjoyable, but it still delivered an amazing experience for me, and its issues are overridden by its triumphant successes. The original game's perfect swinging has somehow been made even better, and way more fun. The combat is just as fun as the original, with lots of new moves to pull off to get even crazier combos. I loved the symbiote suit, Kraven, and of course Venom (and his 19 inches). There are still some things I wish they had done a bit differently, such as showing Miles interact with Harry more, but all-in-all there is really not that much to complain about here. Since the first game was all new to me when I first played it, I think it might leave a greater impact on me, but that should not detract from the masterpiece that is Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Insomniac have once again proven how good of a studio they are, and I am extremely thankful to get to play a game that is as good as this.

10 / 10.

A great RPG worth playing, definitely honors the original game but adds some new features to keep the game fresh.

One of the new features added are triple moves which uses the 3-party members you are using to combine their powers to either deliver a powerful blow against the enemies or to provide a powerful buff to your party.

Another new feature is being able to switch team members out in battle whenever you want or whenever a party member is knocked out. This is a great addition though it makes the game way easier and not as challenging.

In the old version you had a limited amount of inventory space, and you could only carry so much (so for example if your inventory was 20 slots and you had 4 healing mushrooms then you only had 16 slots left for other items). In this remake the inventory system has been improved, allowing players to carry a set amount of each item (so now you can carry 10 healing mushrooms and 10 healing syrups, and it will only take two slots of inventory). A storage box has also been added to Mario's house so whenever you reach the max of the item you can hold (example 10 mushrooms) the rest will automictically be sent to storage.

The time attacks are still here but with more boost to them, sometimes you can do a sort of splash damage and hit all the enemies with a single melee hit or boost your powers up and give your team buffs. This makes the game fresh but super easy and not very challenging.

For extra challenge they added a post-game where you can re fight bosses, but they are way stronger. In random battles you can also come across a stronger variant of a regular enemy as well.

They also added a map for fast traveling, a journal to let you know where you are currently in the story and what has happened so far, and a bestiary to keep track of the monsters you have fought along with their weakness and other information (kinda like a pokedex) but be warned to complete the bestiary the right way you will have to use Mallow Thought Peek ability.

Overall, the game is definitely worth playing even if it is just for nostalgia. The story is fun but lighthearted and it is the basic collect the certain number of special items and defeat the final boss.

A fucking masterpiece. Everything Remedy has ever tried to achieve is in full force and displayed at the highest degree. A sequel beyond worth its 13 year wait. Absolutely incredible game, and I cannot wait to see what Remedy does for the DLC Chapters and beyond with Alan Wake.

Few hours into the game and no 19 inches of venom to be seen... Not a good look...

Just finished it and Venom appeared with more than 19 inches 🥺❤️ the game is also more than great, play it 🙏

Why is everyone so negative about this game? It's a PS2 game and I mean this in the best way!
It's a solid turn-based RPG, which as far as I know is quite atypical for a One Piece Game. Retreading past arcs however is quite typical. The narrative in these revisited stories isn't too special, though it will have a twist here and there as well as some unique boss battles or situations sometimes that will throw you of for a second.
The real star of the show however is the exploration and level design: Luffy can climb high places with ease, Chopper can squeeze through tight spaces, Zoro can cut through iron doors, Franky can build bridges across big chasms - you get the picture. With all of this stuff you can constantly find side paths hiding a good accessory or some other valuable items. I for one really enjoyed exploring Alabasta, Water 7 and Dress Rosa and took every single revisit of these areas as a chance to immersive myself in these places of wonder.
The battle system is also really fun with the rock, paper, scissors system making every character actually viable in battle. You don't have to and probably shouldn't leave everything to Luffy, Zoro or Sanji. Combined with the accessory system that lets you equip and create some unique stuff, you can act like me and make a glass canon Nami, who will wipe the floor with Aokiji before he even gets to turn her to ice. All in all it's not too deep though and if you regularly clear the exp challenges you will probably be overleveled towards the end.
The story is what you expect from an anime game, nothing too revolutionary as it can't establish anything too important. Waford has some interesting lore though that ties into the world of One Piece and had me entertained just by that. The crew also gets a lot of moments to reflect on past adventures or just engage in their usual banter. Lim, the new character, is caught up in this and thus learns the value of friendship and family and stuff, nothing too deep, but well executed.
Look, it's a fan service game. If you enjoy all the small moments and just like being on an adventure with the Strawhats, you'll have fun. Moreso if you really enjoy japanese RPGs like it. For me it kinda fulfilled a dream I always had: traversing through the world of One Piece. Not an action game were just bash in the heads of the bad guys in a contrived retread of story beats, but just the magic of a journey.

Pep's Season of Spooks - Game 11
A very obscure point-and-click horror from the mid-90s, I never would have even heard of The Dark Eye were it not for a recent article in PC Gamer. This is available to play in-browser but due to performance issues I decided to download the DOSBox version.

Heavily inspired by the works of Edgar Allen Poe, the game has you play an unnamed protagonist visiting his uncle's house whilst experiencing vivid nightmares. These nightmares are essentially retellings of some of Poe's most famous works, including The Telltale Heart, which you weave in and out of whilst an equally sinister original narrative unfolds in the waking world.

A "point-and-click" in the truest sense, there are no puzzles or any real choices involved in the gameplay; you essentially have to move around and click the right objects in order to make progress in the stories. While that may turn off a lot of people from the game, I didn't mind it at all since the storytelling on display is so strong.

Where The Dark Eye truly excels is in its visuals and audio. Sparse 3D environments are mixed with physical models using stop-motion animation - with how intentionally creepy the models are the effect is incredibly bleak and unsettling. Without spoiling anything, I will say that the final image of this game will haunt me for quite some time. Combine all this with some truly excellent writing and voice acting and you have one spooky story.

Since The Dark Eye is so difficult to track down legitimately, I feel this would be the perfect game to get a port or even a remaster from a company like Limited Run Games. A hidden gem in the truest sense, I highly recommend you find this creepy curio.

Scary Rating 5/10 - Overall Rating 8/10

One of my childhood favourites and still the template for how to make the best Mario RPGs:
- good plot
- excellent music
- great combat
- memorable characters
- good humour
- clever Mario tie-ins (and Final Fantasy ones!)

It's great. I've memorized almost everything from this game. I played it most recently in 2017 on the SNES Classic and couldn't put it down. No complaints! Really excited to see how the remake goes.

Wish the story mode was more than just 2 hours of content, but the visual presentation and characters are great. I especially loved the part when noodle guy said "Chinese." That shit hit different.

Also the emulation on PS4/5 is kinda lacking but excusable.
If you have $10 to burn on the PS Store, I highly recommend this game.
