This game has had a profound effect on me I cant even truely find the words to describe the story alone this game almost brought me to tears when I finally saw credits roll and I wish I could play it for the first time all over again

Incredibly fun game held back by a lackluster story I found the main character straight up irritating at certain points and the story never got me asking any questions

the gameplay however while somewhat basic and not giving you an upgrade I consider essental for qol its incredibly fun cant really go wrong with good grapple hook mechanics

The only real problems I have with the game is the secrets are fairly obscure and the drink mixing gameplay isnt really all that interesting

The story however hit me like a truck and actually effected how I think about some things today most of the characters are really three dimensional and most of the important characters are interesting enough that I consider most of the cast really likable the game is certainly worth your time

This game will kill you again and again and again I've died over one hundred times to just one boss but that makes victory all the sweeter

The rush of finally ending a foe thats killed you more times than you can remember is one of the best feelings ive experianced in any game ever

I do in fact like hurting other people

I'm just giving it a review to explain why its dropped this isnt the games fault nessicarily but it makes me motion sick so im dropping the game cause I cant find any way to remedy it

After beating the game after it finally came out of early access I can finally say this game is worth your time

the story starts off fairly weak and the gameplay while being fun isnt particularly hard however this game snowballs hard.

You can quite literally feel the developers improvement making the game more interesting more difficult and the story almost made me cry an amazing game held back by a weaker front half


Amazing story head space was a bit lackluster but the story made up for it as well and being a pretty good horror experiance