Over 100 hours of gameplay.
Became the most comfy video game I've experienced in my my whole life. Easily my second favorite video game of all time just behind Utawarerumono Futari no Hakuoro. Storywise, it's magnifique, got tears in my eyes. For the gameplay, sure it's a grindfest, especially when you reach the 2nd half of the game, but surprisingly I can't get mad at it. I don't know if it's because this is the first NIS game I've played, but I don't thing that's the reason.
This is truly a great dungeon crawler game.

Puzzle isn't really my type of genre for a video game. Well I played millions of JRPG, but I'm more focused on the story & characters. But it is a breath of fresh air playing this type of game while paying attention to the lore? There's an actual lore & story in this game? Of course I'm interested.

Yes it's tedious, I can't even playing this game without a guide & watching YouTube video (I know, I sucked). Even after 19 hours of gameplay I still know nothing about the story & just keep focusing on that tiresome puzzles, because turns out, it has multiple storyline. But as I keep playing, time goes really fast. The story was indeed very interesting & well written, probably too good for this type of game. I could dig with the story, but it's still a bit confusing since it's dealing with some philosophical stuff. Imagine you've already got irritated by an annoying puzzles & still have to interpret the lore of this game, 100% I would recommend everybody to play this game.

This is good like, legit good. I really can't stand the first game, I could like the characters, but the story felt like a whole bunch of boring filler just to get to the main conflict which is the second game, & with its undoubtedly slow pacing, it was truly hinder me from liking the first game. But this one, I finally feel connected with the cast. Sure the story still has that slow pacing element, but I don't know if I already get used to it or the case feels more enjoyable by miles. I get the charm, the uniqueness of the cast, the eccentric directing of this game, it was a nice experience.
This is the greatest ace attorney, surpassing the the first game.

The story goes from good to bad immediately, and then without hesitation goes really messy, just like every other mainline SMT. Kinda unfortunate because this could've been the only mainline SMT game I would've like.

Screw it, I'll abandon this franchise. I've never had this much cringe while playing video game.