A joke that got made into a game. It is just as boring as you expect but I guess that's the point.

It's mildly funny, it's free, but it's mostly a waste of time. If you want to hear some sodas dirty talk play it but don't expect interesting gameplay

It's fine. Mostly just feels like a flash game that got a bit more development.

This is such a sad attempt at an idle game. It truly just feels like a vessel to sell you your favorite D&D characters in a glorified mobile game.

Is it silly? Is it a bit contrived? Does the acting kinda suck? Did I have a really fun time? Yes to all of the above. Contradiction is a fun mystery game and all of the strange acting choices make it even better

This game is pretty good. The story left me a little wanting but I had a nice time with it.

Perfection in a video game, adventure into the mysterious world of an old ladies' house that she doesn't clean. Magic turns your car into candy and you must do menial tasks to return it to normal. Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm is a masterwork, and some may even say it has gameplay better than any game before it, CA: CS has smooth gameplay that includes: Clicking on pictures, Clicking on pictures, and Clicking on pictures. A must-play for any gamer worth their salt.

(In case it wasn't blatantly obvious, this review is a joke. The game is painfully average, so don't waste your money as I did)

Another entry in the Dread X collections, and yet again I found myself so incredibly charmed by the games within. With one of my favorite overworlds in DXC history, this game knocked it out of the park!

We Never Left: fascinating use of text-based horror within a 3d game. I only found myself getting stuck a few times but the story was fun to unravel

Huntsvotti: The weakest of the games in this collection in my opinion, whilst the atmosphere is quite interesting I found the gameplay to be repetitive and not very scary.

Karao: Really interesting exploration game, for a horror game I found the puzzles to be very engaging rather than taking me out of the atmosphere as they often do in horror games.

Spirit Guardian: This game feels like it absolutely deserves expanding upon, It has so many survival horror elements that feel like they don't get a lot of time to shine. With some polish, this game could be incredible.

Gallerie: Confusing and paranoia-inducing, this game excels in making you uncomfortable. I really enjoyed my time in this labyrinthian museum.

The Book Of Blood: This feels like the most "complete" out of all the games, its gameplay is well thought out and its world feels well developed! I'd love to see a continuation but it doesn't need one.

Vestige: I was a bit confused at first but this game is decent, it's not the best in the collection but it has some interesting ideas.

Resver: I have very little to say about Resver unfortunately, I didn't find it creepy or very atmospheric. You can pet a cat though so huge points there.

Ludomalica: Where do I start? This game excels in everything it attempts, every moment is tense and heart-pounding. All with a satisfying ending that ties it up nicely.

Beyond the Curtain: Tension is the name of the game here. So incredibly good at putting you in the shoes of your character. The ending was a bit predictable but so good overall.

Interim: I really like the concept of this game, but the execution not so much. The physics-based puzzles just got frustrating. I wish I enjoyed this more.

Rotten Stigma: This is the only game that would not launch on my computer so no review for now.

It's amazing for what it is, a short and sweet demake of the first segment of Bloodborne. It adds one new area for those already intimately familiar with bloodborne and is definitely worth playing if you are already a fan of Bloodborne

A short and sweet game that is incredible at building atmosphere. If you are down to immerse yourself within a dark apocalyptic world, this is the game for you!

A wonderful puzzle game full of intrigue and mystery, the only thing I didn't enjoy was the ending. The game sets up so many mysteries only to hand wave them away right at the end.

Psychonauts 2 improves on many of the things that made the first inaccessible to many without sacrificing much in the way of gameplay or level design. I do think Psychonauts 2 is the worse game of the two but thankfully, not by much

Unfortunately, I found the story to be more of a hindrance to my enjoyment of the puzzles rather than them giving them meaning. I don't think trudging through long stretches of dialogue to get to simple puzzles is very engaging