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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 15, 2023

Platforms Played


Otro buen DLC. No introduce tantas cosas nuevas como el de Deadpool, pero me parece más interesante a nivel de trama.

Venom es un personaje chulísimo y divertidísimo de utilizar que encaja en muchísimas combinaciones de personajes. La caracterización de este Eddie me ha gustado mucho y hacen un buen trabajo a la hora de reintroducirlo en la trama tras derrotarlo en la historia principal.

Muchas ganas de ver cómo sigue esta historia en los dos DLC que quedan y qué sorpresa más chula encontrarme con ese jefe final.


Another good DLC. It doesn't add as many new things as Deadpool's, but it's more interesting in terms of storyline.

Venom is a very cool character that's also fun to play and fits into many team combinations. I've really enjoyed this Eddie's personality and they did a great job of reintroducing him into the plot after defeating him in the main storyline.

Really excited to see how the story continues in the two remaining DLC and it was such a nice surprise to find that final boss.