The weakest in the series thus far, it’s just more of the same. Alt suits weren’t great and I’m tired of symbiote and Venom (love Tony Todd though). It’s a good game but I had no problem putting it down which is a first for these games.

An all-time great fighter, the best this generation has to offer. The greatest story mode a fighter ever had and so much single player content it’s insane. Just perfection at launch and more stuff to come.

Fun, dumb. Feels like something we woulda got on PS2 effortlessly and I appreciate that. It’s a fine way to waste time but it needed to be better or shorter to be great.


This is such a killer game, reminds me of the fun they used to put out in the PS2 days when they come up with a sick mechanic and build a simple game around it. Immediately played through again, love a short game.

It’s a shame nobody played this, it’s great. Short and sweet, great combat and mechanics. The boss fights are challenging and creative, two of them I would enter in my all time favorites.

Truly great atmosphere and combat and quests. Annoying how hard it is to make your character dress like a goth and not a total dork. Story is fine, it loses a bit of steam as it drags on but overall the game is pretty…MAGICAL.

I gave this a spin to kill some time and just couldn’t put it down. So fun and simple and then eventually gets fun and challenging.

I’ve always gotten to a point with this game, that I do love, where I’m over it and I just want to play Jak 2.

It took us an entire year but my wife and I beat this together and now we’ll never get a divorce ❤️