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Grmaisonave completed Hello Charlotte Ep.2: Requiem Aeternam Deo
An immense step up from the first game. This episode builds the world masterfully and succeeds at making the many characters interesting and deep. The story is complex and full of metaphors. The only thing that this game does wrong is in its "Combat", witch is completely pointless and takes the form of "Socializing." Overall its great and i am very excited to play the third episode.

4 days ago

4 days ago

Grmaisonave followed fruit

5 days ago

Grmaisonave completed Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
A weird game. This is my first Hello Charlotte game and i didn't really enjoy it. The characters and the lore are superficial and the gameplay reminds me of Yume Nikki but worse. Overall i can't say that this game holds itself on its own but i hope it at least works as a base for the future games. Even though i didn't like it i am actually exited for episode 2.

5 days ago

Grmaisonave completed Machinika Museum
Fun and simple puzzle game similar to "The Room" game series, very short and actually interesting storytelling. Pretty janky controls though.

13 days ago

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