83 Reviews liked by GymbeanNZ

A surprisingly moving game that doesn't overstay its welcome. Enigmatic and beautiful. Early on I'd stumble upon solutions, but later puzzles transcend simple trial and error and require some satisfying lateral thinking to solve. Nothing totally mind blowing here, but definitely a unique game worth experiencing.

A fast paced and atmospheric racing game where you always feel out of control, but that almost feels like the point. As you tear through detailed environments at incredible speeds it only makes sense that ramming into a wall at full speed should only be a moment away. Cheats help, of course, and I made liberal use of them. Whether you're playing fair and unfair, the game is super cool.

I would not be upset if a new pod racing game was released.

maybe a little less comfy than I was expecting. Regardless it's still pretty relaxing, looks nice, and has some really effective sound design.

I played Unpacking during a particularly hectic time in my life because I was looking for something relaxing. It definitely did fill that need for me - as someone who loves organizing it felt very good to put all these little items just in their place. I felt like there were some minor mechanical frustrations but nothing that really heavily impacted my experience.

What I didn't expect from Unpacking was how much I would love the storytelling - exploring the ways life changes over time through the items we value and the places we live. The mechanics of the game do such a lovely job of communicating phases of life and how our relationships grow and change. The feeling of not wanting to move your roommate's stuff, the freedom of your own place, and the way the line between "mine" and "theirs" becomes fuzzy. To see which items are constant throughout life and which things we obtain and discard as we grow just felt very special.

Overall a game that was exactly what I needed when I needed it. It's earned a special place in my heart.

Homeless people: 1
Landlords: 0

Aside from the typical, excruciatingly slow movement of Dontnod game characters, Tell Me Why's story feels more like a story that would have been better told as a book / movie / mini-series.

It just doesn't have the same game element, or 'hook', as LiS (i.e. I don't think twin telepathy as they accidentally uncover the truth behind their mom's death — where the player mostly interacts with the characters' surroundings to go through their junk and "remember" stuff — is in the same level as kids with unexplained destructive powers) or other similar games like ones by Telltale.

Sure, it has some cute moments that made me giggle and some sad ones that made me tear up a bit, but a few sprinkled here and there (approximate) a 3-hour-long chapter doesn't feel worth it. I'd like to think I'm not exaggerating with this, because the fact that I could use my phone or laptop while "playing" this says a lot.

Xcom style Gears game? Very Interesting.
Also it's nice to see an old face in here (looking at you Prescott, ya still never sent flowers XD)
That being said, story is nice and adds a bit of extra bits to how Kait is important also her dad is smoking hot.

For how dumb this looked to me I actually had a great time with it. It's not as complex as XCom but in missions it's just as fun.

Growing up only being allowed to play edutainment ain't easy.

I feel bad rating this so low, but there's something hard to explain about this game.

Every single person I've played this game with (many age groups, friend groups, etc) have all seemed excited at first but within 10 minutes got incredibly bored. Feels very 'eh' and I've got no idea why.

This game has the ability to make me feel like an absolute genius one minute, followed by several more of me slamming my head into the keyboard trying to reorganise the clusterfuck I indirectly created 10 minutes ago. It's great.

I can see why people don't like this game. All their frustrations with this game are true. It's very difficult to start, they explain barely anything to you which makes simple tasks complex and you'll end up dying a lot.

But this game just has a charm to it.

I'll admit I used a guide to help me, but once I got the basics down, it was fantastic! The concept is just unique and a breath of fresh air. I love exploring different areas of the game; conquering your fear is so satisfying! Learning to fight predators and becoming an apex predator will never get old. I will agree that it gets repetitive and I do wish they expanded more areas and with more creatures and animals.

This game certainly isn't for everyone. And I only paid £10 for this game instead of the full price. However, this is one of my favourite games and it never ceased to amaze me when I first played it.

Music is also a banger btw!

Easy to learn, hard to master, fast to understand. A great mobile game, only hindered by some weird enemys that are hard to beat while simultaneously juggling the own character.

i remember hating this game because it was too realistic and I know for a fact my nintendogs are fucking dead