RPG games are my life, because RL sucks.

P.S. My personal catalog notes: Wish List includes almost any games I found interesting at one point (so not really reliable, I use lists for actual to buy/to play titles), and Backlog includes games I own but have yet to play or finish and ones I've abandoned/shelved (might not necessarily own, i.e. played through subs or borrowed).
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Clearin your Calendar

Journaled games at least 15 days a month over a year


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Being part of the Backloggd community for 2 years


Liked 50+ reviews / lists


Played 250+ games


Journaled games once a day for a month straight


Played 100+ games

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Journaled 5+ games in a single day


Voted for at least 3 features on the roadmap

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Journaled games once a day for a week straight

Favorite Games

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3
Persona 3 Portable
Persona 3 Portable
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade


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Games Backloggd

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

May 02

Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley

Apr 30

Remnant: From the Ashes
Remnant: From the Ashes

Apr 29


Apr 25

Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Apr 22

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Got kind of bored halfway through, would have probably given up on finishing the story part if I hadn't been playing with friends. The caves are huge and dark and... annoyingly, frustratingly huge -- because of the connecting caves, we mapped out the entire cave system and finished the game once we jumped into the sinkhole, didn't even get a chance to go back to our base after that lol [Alternate ending]

This was pretty fun. I was fully expecting a children's game, only to find out it was basically couple's therapy in game form (which made playing this a bit awkward at first because I started it with my gf while we were still just dating lol; resolution kinda sucked though imo lol).

What I liked about it was it was like playing multiple games in one. You got an action RPG, a platformer, a rhythm game, etc., with various minigames spread throughout the map.

You also really have to work together with your partner -- mine wasn't one for platformer games, so it made for some hilarious moments (hopefully you both manage it before it gets annoying lol; it got so bad at one point we had to restart and swap characters for a while).

And oh did I love the winter wonderland and even the underwater one. Those were so pretty. The music room was also pretty neat. Our favorite parts of the game were probably looking for the non-story elements we could interact with.

Repetitive and boring to grind, making the later parts of the campaign annoyingly hard when I was forced to play characters I didn't play enough to level up.

There's also too much going on here in terms of gear, skills, those currencies and faction quest/challenge stuff, but it feels so messy that I couldn't bring myself to care about it.

And don't know if it's just me, but I still don't get what happened on A-Day? I'll probably get it when I rewatch the cutscene videos on YT later on, but while playing, the story just seems to be all over the place. Also, right after finishing the main campaign's credits (just after Kamala came back home and the post-credits AIM/Kree Sentry scene), it immediately took me to the intro scene for "Back in Action" (with Fury and the 2 Hawkeyes suddenly there aboard the Chimera with us and Fury talking about the alternate future story) which was super weird because I hadn't done the Hawkeye campaigns yet. The hell?