Game I played early in my life. Can keep your interest for about 30 minutes before you've had enough.

Enjoyed it more than the original Zelda back in the day. Not sure how I'd feel about the game if I went back to it now.

A highly enjoyable co-op RPG, that also happened to be a console MMORPG. What made this game special, is it didn't require to be played online, and instead could be played with local couch co-op.
Multiple classes, and lots of loot, make it an incredibly addictive experience.

I have not had a great experience with the "Might & Magic" series. Don't remember much about this game except thinking of it as a piece of trash...if the lack of a game portrait on this site means anything, it isn't worth remembering.

There is a cool novelty to have such a crossover fighting game that includes some of Nintendo's most popular franchises. This was also before the era of DLC, where characters were unlocked the old fashioned way, by actually playing the game..
However, I don't have much more to add to this beyond that - the fighting game genre is already not one of my favorites, and that goes double for the platform fighting genre.
Excellent party game though.

Ridiculous difficulty... I remember being able to beat the tutorial with Spider-Man, but after that, I could not beat a single level with any character. Frustrating to the max.

Rented from Blockbuster back in the day. Introduced an interesting mechanic with 2 racers manning a single kart, but overall I didn't find it as enjoyable as what I originally experienced on the SNES.

As a kid I thought the opening FMV was cool... but that, along with the game's atmosphere, was about the only really nice thing I could say about it.

I could never get past the 2nd major area. I played before having access to the internet, and all I remember from my youth is just running around and getting lost. Never got stuck in a fight or even a specific puzzle; I just didn't know where the hell to go to progress.

However, by far the most egregious thing about this game was the 15 F'IN BLOCKS TO SAVE! That was an entire memory card back then!!! No thanks game, I'd rather keep my Final Fantasy PS1 saves... utterly ridiculous.

Game was too old school for me to enjoy it, and that was back in the late 90's! I can only imagine how archaic this feels today...

Was part of a package deal that I received both the 2nd and 3rd games for the Game Boy. See my review for Legend II... it is far too archaic for me to enjoy.

Wasted a lot of time playing this game on the SNES. The 30+ minute lunker-angler battles were intense, and a great recipe for destroying your hands.

Introduces quite possibly the most recognizable character in the RE universe - its titular antagonist: Nemesis. This hulking brute of a monstrosity adds a great deal of horror to an already tense game. He is this ever-present unstoppable force throughout - his appearances for a first-time player will always come as a surprise and shock.

Jill Valentine once again takes center stage as the lead, and she is a bona-fide badass in this one.

The game is a bit more "actiony" than its predecessors, giving Jill many more options at her disposal to handle the creatures thrown at her, but it doesn't lose itself fully - it is still a survival horror game through and through. In my opinion, it isn't until Resident Evil 4, where RE tipped the scales over to more action than horror. And then it just got worse from there (until RE7 brought horror back).

RE3 ends the Raccoon City trilogy on quite a high note. Highly recommended for any horror fan.

I really enjoyed this game in my childhood for one primary reason: Co-op. Game was fun to play with 2 people, and I remember ending up beating it solo and cooperatively.

Mace Windu was my primary Jedi. He was just awesome to me back then.

I do remember some platforming sections being incredibly painful and difficult - it also resulted in some co-op frustration and yelling...

I'm sure if I returned to this game nowadays, I'd find many more issues with it, but I'll leave it alone, and keep the joyful experiences in the recesses of my childhood memories.

An enjoyable platformer with some pretty decent tunes. Outside of Pokemon, this was the only other handheld game, I found to be fun on the Game Boy / Game Boy Color.

Not incredibly difficult to get through either, from what I remember.

More of the same .hack... see my previous .hack//infection review for full thoughts on the series.

This is the last one I beat. Unfortunately, I made a mistake back then and only own the first 3 games, and now the collection remains incomplete. Today, the 4th game goes for exorbitant prices, so I most likely will never have the full set unless I find it for cheap someday.