It is a single level...that's it...

Essentially a demo for MGS V, that can be beaten in under an hour. Sure, there are extra missions, but that is just filler content. Should have originally been part of MGS V: The Phantom Pain as part of the opening prologue.

I'm just glad I didn't pay money for this, as I got it for "free" as a PS+ member.

"In the end, hope always wins! That's what I believe!"

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when jumping directly into Danganronpa 2 after completing the first game, but I will say, this time I was much more prepared. I felt like a murder mystery & class trial veteran - I was strapped in, loaded up with my Truth Bullets, and ready for anything Monokuma was going to throw my way... or at least I thought I was...

This game follows almost the exact same formula as the first one, so I felt right at home. 16 high school students, isolated away from the world, stuck with a crazy headmaster (who also happens to be a bear) holding them hostage, who manipulates the kids into killing each other... as always, whenever you explain the premise aloud, it sounds absolutely bonkers (and it is), but something about this just works - especially if you find yourself connecting with the characters... and this is where I think DR2 surpasses the original and, personally, is where I feel the series peaked.

I loved a handful of characters from the original game, with Kyoko Kirigiri being my absolute favorite from DR1, but almost immediately I felt a better sense of connection with this new cast overall. And there is one specific character in this game, that is honestly one of my all-time favorites... and not just in the DR series, but in pretty much anything. All who have heard of this game already knows who it is too... of course, it would have to be none other than: Nagito Komaeda, the "Ultimate Lucky Student" himself!

Unfortunately, I really cannot say much without spoiling what makes his character so special, but wow... I can say I've never seen a character quite like him in any work of fiction I've ever experienced, read, or watched. He CARRIES this game to crazy, unforeseen heights.

I loved the mysteries and questions raised immediately in this game, especially if you are a returning DR1 player. The class trials took a step-up from the first game, and overall, it felt like an improvement from a presentation standpoint.

The last thing I'll touch on is the absolute MADNESS of Chapter 5 onward (a DR series tradition)! That is when shit really gets cranked up to 11, and it doesn't stop until the end of the game. There were several moments where my jaw dropped to the floor and I had to take a break from the game because of the overwhelming despair leaking out from my game cartridge, affecting not only the characters, but me too... the plot twists are otherworldly!

And then there were times I just had to put my Vita down, and listen to the badass, wholly unique DR music. This OST is straight flames!


To me, this game was really special with some incredible payoffs and many "hype" moments throughout. Whenever my cousin comes to visit, it seems there is some discussion or reference that leads us to inevitably bring up this series, that has us talking late into the night about our favorite moments all over again.

I'm so glad I decided to step a little out of my comfort zone and play it. What a game!

One of the dumbest stories and plot twists in all of gaming... retroactively makes everything, including its own franchise, much worse.

Battle system is alright, and breaking the HP limit back then was pretty neat... dying when losing all your MP not so much...

Story, characters, and voice acting range from bad to god awful. Music is good though.

The plot twist through the ending of the game really soured me on the entire experience and pissed me off. I hated it by the end and will never revisit it... nor do I recommend anyone, even diehard JRPG fans, play it.

Now this is where Resident Evil really took off and became great. Expanding and improving upon literally everything from the original game, this game drops you into the horrific Raccoon City. Zombies are everywhere! Survive!

This game introduced some Resident Evil mainstays, and while Jill Valentine still remains my favorite character from the series, Leon Kennedy is a close second place.

Given the option to play as either Leon or Claire, the game offers 4 different scenarios depending on who you select. This changes the characters you run across, enemy encounters, locations visited, etc. To see the true ending, you have to play through the A and B scenario with both characters.

An incredible game, with a surprisingly great amount of replay value.

3 story DLC pack that consists of "The Heist", "Turf Wars", and "Silver Lining". This is just more fun Spidey action that adds additional story components to the original. I played it shortly after beating Miles Morales since it came with the Ultimate edition and I never owned the DLC earlier.

What can I say? I'm more of a FES guy.

I love Persona 3, it was the one that introduced me to Atlus and the excellent Persona/SMT franchise. And this version of P3 is still good, but I just don't feel that the female main character option puts it over the top for me. It was interesting playing her route, as it does offer a different perspective, but the lack of explorable/3D environments really brings this whole thing down. I just wasn't nearly as immersed in its minimalistic presentation.

If this was your introduction to P3, and you didn't play the original P3 or P3 FES, I could see where you might not know what you're missing, and still enjoy it... but with this being my 3rd time playing, it just didn't click with me like it did on the PS2.

Everyone's favorite plumber in his first adventure on the NES. This game didn't age well though, and even as a kid, I wasn't a huge fan of the controls. Mario controls like he's on ice throughout the game, which leads to so many unnecessary deaths and moments of frustration.

"Monsters...? They looked like monsters to you?"

The last great Silent Hill game... and can I just say to start, the graphics in this game were easily some of the best of its generation. The character models were stunning and the game environments were disgustingly beautiful.

Heather is my favorite Silent Hill protagonist, and while the story doesn't reach the heights of its predecessor, I loved how it connected back to the original Silent Hill.

SH3 has the best soundtrack of the bunch, and from a purely gameplay standpoint, I'd consider it to be the best of the SH1-3 trilogy as well. A must-play for survival horror fans.

I wish we lived in a timeline where Konami and Silent Hill were still going as strong as Resident Evil... alas, at least we will always have the trilogy.


The idea of having a relatively open and less straightforward Castlevania, with towns, shops, and NPCs, a day/night mechanic, and multiple secrets was ahead of its time... but unfortunately, it wasn't executed all that well.
It is yet another victim of many NES titles, and 90's games in general - a poor translation, incredibly obtuse, and almost impossible to complete without a copy of Nintendo Power (or a guide nowadays).
The game gets an extra half a star, just for the song "Bloody Tears" alone... "What a terrible night for a curse..."

Yet another example of the 2nd game of a classic NES title, where the sequel attempts to do something radically different...and they don't necessarily succeed, or reach the heights of its predecessor. Considered to be the "black sheep" of the Zelda franchise for good reason.

Where the actual fuck is a remastered console release for this Square-Enix!? Jesus Christ... how long has it been!?

To put it bluntly, this is one of the greatest games of all time, relegated to an extinct, dead portable device... and it doesn't quite run all that well on said device either! Slowdown and lag are introduced when casting spells or using abilities, and the sound effects sound terrible in comparison to the original.

I LOVE the much-improved script in this one though! No more "Geronimo!" found here - instead the script is written and presented in such an elegant, flowery, quasi-Shakespearian way. I just love the old English dialogue, and have even "nerded" out before, by just reading the entire script online... I mean, look at these two lines as an example!

---- "You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"

---- "All such tales of gods and their miracles are false. Those who would lead prefer that history suit their needs, and rewrite it to see that it does. And why shouldn't they? The fault lies not with them. The reeking masses yearn for gods and miracles. It is their opiate, and they consume it greedily. The people do not endeavor towards greatness, but rather mire themselves in their petty strifes - shackles on the feet of man. Their leaders give them no more than that for which they clamor. It is history's oldest and most oft-repeated tale. Do men exploit this weakness to dominate their fellows? Mayhap they do. But they succeed only because the people are eager to know such dominion. Gods are only illusions born of man's fear. It is they who see this charade for what it is and join in the pageantry who are to blame."

Tis beautiful, and could bring a tear to one's eye... the localization team really did excellent work here.

I hope that Square eventually pulls their head out of their ass when it comes to Tactics... I hated those stupid as shit Tactics Advance games. Throw those in the damn garbage bin, and let's get this masterpiece on PS5 soon dammit!

See my FF Tactics PS1 review for more thoughts on the game itself.

One of the greatest games of all time, and the best JRPG on the SNES. This game has everything - a great story, characters, gameplay, music, side content, mini games, etc. The time travel mechanic is still not replicated, nor bested to this day.

I've played Chrono Trigger multiple times - on the SNES (emulated), PS1 as part of Final Fantasy Chronicles, and the Nintendo DS. Each and every time, it is an absolute blast.

Also, this is the first game I've ever experienced that has multiple endings (12 to be exact), and even a New Game+ option. For a game released in 1995, this game was so far ahead of its time... Not only does it still hold up today...but it still reigns tall as one of the greatest JRPGs ever released.

"Ghost star, wonder where you are,
Ghost star, are you very far?
All night long, I will sing your song if you watch over me."

When Jedi: Fallen Order dropped in 2019, I immediately disregarded it for multiple reasons:
1. It's an EA game.
2. It's Star Wars... a universe I used to love unconditionally, but as we all are very much aware, is in a rough state right now.
3. It's a member of the populated Souls-like genre - I prefer the "real thing" that From Software releases over many of the knock-off games.

However, after a year of it being out, and all the good reviews and word of mouth, I eventually gave it a shot... and wow, I was shocked at how much I enjoyed my playthrough of it, and how wrong my initial assumptions ended up being...

Firstly, to counter my original 3 detracting points - this may be an EA published game, but it shows the developers over at Respawn Entertainment have it in them to still craft a great single-player experience. This also brought my love of Star Wars back; demonstrating that I still love this universe, when in the hands of a competent team of writers. And lastly, even though I can see the "Souls-like" influences, I'd consider this to be more of a 3D Metroidvania than anything else... which is another genre I'd consider to be one of my favorites.

So fast forward to 2023, and its subsequent sequel Jedi: Survivor. It is bigger and better in every conceivable way to its predecessor. Now a fully-fledged Jedi Knight, Cal is equipped with the same abilities as he is at the end of Fallen Order. This makes the traversal and combat much more fun and satisfying right from the very beginning.

The worlds are much bigger, there is good enemy variety, the customization is lightyears better (goodbye ugly ponchos, and hello Jedi/wanderer robes - oh, and long-hair/goatee Cal >>>>> all. I had my Cal looking like a prime Obi-Wan Kenobi out here), the cast of characters are great, its music fits Star Wars perfectly, and I enjoyed the direction the storyline took - so much so, that I am very curious as to where they take Cal's character in the final game...

Now one thing I should mention is that I didn't play this title immediately on release. And from the sounds of it, this may have benefited me from a technical issue standpoint greatly... (a sad trend of modern AAA gaming that I hope doesn't continue, but it feels like is here to stay in an era of Day 1 patches and releasing broken games.) There are still some technical hiccups, visual/audio glitches, and pop-in here and there, especially if you start going overboard with the garden like I did, but all in all, I never experienced a game breaking bug in my 60-70 hour 100% run.

One last thing I'll bring up that I loved - Pyloon's Saloon! Running into characters across the world and having them brought back to the "main base" of operations, talking with everyone each revisit to the cantina to see what they had to say, the DJ/music, mini-game Holotactics, and seeing the place come alive as you progress further in the game... all of it was right up my alley. Easily one of my favorite parts of the game.

Now I sit here eagerly anticipating the final game in this planned trilogy... when it finally drops, I will be there to see how the journey of Cal Kestis reaches its conclusion...

Ghost Star (Kata's Lullaby) Emotional Cover by "Jeremy Brauns Music"
I absolutely adored this little song when it played in the game...and this is a great addition to it.

--Be careful of spoilers if you haven't played the game. The song/video doesn't contain spoilers, but you have to watch out for Comments/Recommended Videos.

I don't care what anyone says about this game - playing RE5 is a damn good time.

It's cheesy, hilarious, not scary in the slightest, doesn't feel like Resident Evil at all, but somehow, someway, it doesn't matter. You play this game cooperatively with a friend or family member, and you'll have a blast. I mean, it is essentially RE4 co-op. What's not to love?

OK, I get it... I've never played this game solo (and I never will), so I don't know what that single player experience is like at all. I'm sure it is frustrating relying upon an AI partner, and not nearly as my advice is don't play it solo!

Instead, grab a friend, kick back a few brewskis, punch a couple boulders, and have a great time!

I need to go back to this FPS gem and complete its campaign cooperatively with a friend or family member.

This was a classic on the PS2 and a ton of fun... I liked the graphics and all the different eras you go to during the campaign. Gives you quite a wide assortment of guns as each level you play you are jumping through time. Music is shockingly good too.

Super challenging from what I remember, even coming from someone who is relatively decent at the FPS genre (or at least I was... but probably not anymore...).