I skipped out on this game originally due to the critic reviews blasting this game. It wasn't until the remastered trilogy came out on the PS3 that I decided I'd give it a go. "I'll make my own decision here," I thought... "maybe I'll like it." ...famous last words...

I should have listened to the critics and just skipped over this entirely - this game is such an enormous piece of shit, it isn't even worth wasting my time ranting about it. But everything others say about this game is true - its soulless, lifeless, Dante is an imposter (like who is this guy!?), gameplay is laughable, areas/enemy design is embarrassing, and the stylish and challenging action gameplay is gone... replaced by the most overpowered pistols ever: just have Dante stand in a corner and Ebony & Ivory your way to victory in pretty much every fight if you so want. I was dumbfounded at how bad it truly all was, when fighting the tank & helicopter "boss" fights... this game is a joke.

We are SO LUCKY, that this didn't kill off the franchise... But I'm so thankful it didn't, since the next game in the series, DMC3, swings the pendulum in the other direction, and I'd consider it to be my favorite action game of all time.

The best "Zelda" game ever made - a controversial statement to be sure, but one I believe in earnest to be true. And while that may sound like I'm throwing shade, there isn't much shame in that... as there aren't many games in general that come close to this masterpiece.

Okami is a game of visual splendor - filled with gorgeous colors and inspiring, beautiful music. It will transport you to one of the most fascinating and unique worlds in all of gaming. Overflowing with Japanese mythology and culture, once you reach the end of the game, and the credits are rolling, you'll feel as if you underwent a religious experience.

And you better strap yourself in too, because this is one epic adventure, boasting a runtime of close to 50 hours! For a non-RPG, I was shocked more than once when the game kept going, even when I thought it was starting to wrap up... I never wanted this incredible journey to end!

If someone argues that video games cannot be art (which has always been a ridiculous argument), point them to this game and its wonderful presentation and storyline.

There are so many incredible games on the PlayStation 2...but it is hard for me not to put Okami in the #1 spot on that list. If this was your favorite game of all time, you would have no argument from me. It is that special.

“You’re not a snake and I’m not an Ocelot. We’re men, with names...”

This game brings us back to 1964 and places us in the shoes of the original special forces operative: "Naked" Snake, who later becomes Big Boss. Gone are the urban corridor settings of MGS1 & MGS2 (although they do show up from time to time later on), replaced instead by the wilds of the Soviet jungle.

I always see this game ranked as being other's favorite MGS title, and with good reason. The original MGS1 still edges it out for me, but MGS3 is a special game, with many callbacks to what made the first one so great.

The boss fights are again legendary, the setting is fantastic and an enjoyable difference from the others that came before, characters are amazing, and the story is an emotional rollercoaster with an ending that knocks it out of the park.

Playing as Snake again after the "adventures of Raiden and Rose" was a very welcome change for me. And while you may not have Solid Snake and Otacon in this prequel, you are introduced to many new and returning characters such as Volgin, Eva, the Boss, and my personal favorite, young Revolver Ocelot. I cannot help but smile when watching all the interactions with Ocelot throughout the game... especially their last scene. So good!

Without spoiling the ending, the last act of this game is truly a masterclass. From the gameplay/boss fights to its story and music... it is all spectacular and comes together for a nigh perfect climax.

Now I won't say the entire game is perfect, mind you... Kojima continued to innovate and raise the bar, but not everything worked as well as you'd hope - specifically surrounding the survival aspect of the game and the camouflage system. There was a bit too much "menu diving" that halted the game and its action. I'm hoping this is what is focused on in the Remake that was recently announced...but I am very worried how it turns out with no Kojima involvement... I'm crossing my fingers that they leave most of the game untouched and just improve the QoL features and "pretty up" the graphics, but don't try to extend themselves and change too much, potentially ruining it.

As it stands, MGS3 is still a game that holds up incredibly well today, and anyone who wants to jump in to see what this franchise is all about, owes it to themselves to play this title. It stands tall as one of the best video games out there.

Kratos is really angry in this one...

While he has a little more nuance in GoW 1 & 2, he is completely one-note in the 3rd iteration. The man is just so upset it feels like this game is borderline self-parody. Like what the hell is the matter with him?! Kratos acts like a bonafide "Karen" throughout GoW 3, long before that term even was a thing.

Somebody needs to give this man a Snickers bar or something... he's being an annoying, insufferable asshole, bringing mass suffering and death to God, Titan, and mortal alike... all while playing, I was thinking to myself: someone has to stop this man! Truly, the real villain of the game... but hey, at least to soften the blow of playing as this evil piece of shit, they make everyone else real bastards too. To quote the great Tyrion Lannister: "Why are all the gods such vicious cunts? Where is the god of tits and wine?"

I'm just thankful that the soft reboot in God of War 2018 gave Kratos something he sorely needed - actual character, growth, and development!

Easily my least favorite God of War game in the original trilogy, but still a good game showcasing the power of the PS3. The game's scope and scale are impressive still to this day.

I've beaten/read this 3 times now (emulated, DS, and most recently as part of the remastered PS4 collection), so it has to be doing something "Wright".

Fun stories, wacky characters, and great music. I recommend this for those that like visual novels, especially those that are infused with a lot of humor.

Also, as the cases develop, it is fun to unravel the mysteries presented bit by bit...for a game set primarily in a courtroom and dealing with legal cases, it surprisingly has many "hype" moments throughout. Highly recommended.

Case Ranking: 4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 1

"I expected one of the greatest JRPGs of all time...and what I got was one of the greatest games of all time." - Me

I'm going to do the same thing I did with my P4 vs P4G reviews and save my full review of Persona 5 when I review the Royal edition. However, I will share a handful of things specific to this version of the game within this review. I will focus primarily on my pre-release anticipation and initial thoughts of the base version of Persona 5.

And just like before with P4/P4G, this SHOULD be a 5/5 game, but because P5 Royal exists, and is somehow an even better and more complete game than the vanilla version, that has to drop it just a little to differentiate between the two games.

First things first - this was the first Persona game I had to WAIT to experience and play. I was one of the lucky ones when it came to P3 and P4... I got into the series late when both were already released, purchased them from GameStop at the same time, and was able to essentially play both of those behemoth JRPGs back to back... it was a glorious time!

Seeing how quickly their turnaround was between the 2 titles also gave me hope that I didn't have to wait long for Persona 5... surely, I'd have a PS3 copy in hands before too long... but that, unfortunately, did not turn out to be the case... this may very well have been the most agonizing wait for me for any game ever. :(

There haven't been many games, especially in adulthood, that have truly garnered such anticipation than this one... usually, I can wait with no problems... I have PLENTY of games on the backlog to play anyway, so usually it isn't a problem for me... In fact, if I had to name off the games since I turned 20+ that had me salivating at the mouth like a rapid dog, re-watching their trailers a bajillion times (seriously, I think I played the P5 trailers 100+ times... even just to listen to the glorious music accompanying them), this would have been near the top of my list.

My Most Anticipated Games Ever
-- Persona 5 - first it was this damn teaser image...but then as 2014 came and went, I knew it was being delayed. However, my excitement for the game increased tenfold once I saw this trailer.
-- Final Fantasy VII Remake - seeing that release date in that trailer... tears dreams do come true!
-- Grand Theft Auto V - this was the trailer I had playing on a loop. Radio Ga Ga + Michael from GTA V = CAN'T WAIT!
-- Mass Effect 2 - one of the greatest game trailers ever made.

^^ These 4 games were on another level entirely! It was like I was an addict needing my fix, counting down the days to the release date... and for Persona 5, with all of its "unmet release date windows" and it constantly getting pushed back, I was in a state of withdrawal. Each bit of small news that came out, I was there!

But things didn't truly get bad for me until I saw this trailer... my anticipation levels were off the charts. "11/10 - give me this damn game now!!!" If I had a time machine, I would have used it...

So with an insane level of anticipation, and a borderline unhealthy obsession, that meant that my expectations were SKY fucking HIGH for this game... I was expecting a 10/10 and one of the greatest JRPGs of all time - anything less would have disappointed me...

And so my biggest compliment for this game is that it did it! It met my lofty, unrealistic expectations for it - even going as far as surpassing them in other ways: it became one of the greatest games of all time.

This is a 100+ hour masterpiece (I spent 200+ with it), with the most fluid, fast-paced battle system ever in a turn based RPG, the coolest menus/transitions ever crafted, amazing music, characters, story, etc. I can go on and on. The game just oozes quality and will win over anyone, even non-JRPG/turn-based players, who play it.

An absolute MUST PLAY game, but you'll want to pick up the superior Royal version as it somehow makes it even better!

Below I'm going to include some bullet-points from my original P5 experience:

-- Graphics/art style are some of the best in its class. It literally looks like you are playing an anime. I prefer this style even over more realistic titles.

-- The opening of the game - unlike P3/P4, which start off really slow, P5 brings you right into the action immediately. I love how this introduction starts in media res: it's exciting, the casino setting is gorgeous, and the music is amazing. Loved it!

-- Greatest... menus... of all time! When you have people cosplaying it, you know it has to be the GOAT.

-- One thing that I think goes underappreciated is how much I felt connected to the Main Character in P5. Unlike P3/P4, where it feels like your popularity knows no bounds (P4 especially - everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, loves you in that one), P5 you are the outcast. The underdog...shunned from most of society and the school. I truly felt like I was in Joker's corner from the very beginning. Joining the ragtag gang of other social pariahs made it even better.

-- The Phantom Thieves and how they tie into the core themes of the game... each and every awakening of their Personas were beyond spectacular and badass!

-- If you held me up, and told me that I had to pick my favorite Persona soundtrack, while it's such a difficult decision, I think I have to lean P5's way. It is just beyond special. Every damn song is a banger! I'll list out some of my absolute favorites below:
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - hearing this for the first time in the actual game and not just a trailer was special.
Life Will Change - I return to the entrance of the Palace each and every time to let this theme play out. It'd be a damn shame not to.
Awakening - why is every Persona awakening so damn cool!? "I am thou. Thou art I..."
Will Power - so badass... Ann's was my personal favorite Persona power moment!
Last Surprise - "You'll never see it comiiiiing!"
Blooming Villain - now this shit is fire! Hell of a boss battle theme!
Beneath the Mask / rain version - when the lyrics come on for the first time. Pure bliss and serenity!
Price - why is this so damn funky. Loved this palace theme!
Keeper of Lust - this game's soundtrack has too many bangers.. seriously!
The Days When My Mother Was There - now this is a vibe... with a hint of sadness and melancholy.
Restlessness - underrated track - really feels like the mystery is unraveling and you are figuring things out as a team.
The Whims of Fate - my favorite Palace theme bar none... hell, might be my favorite track in the game, period! This shit goes hard!
Ark - reaching the end now...
Rivers In the Desert - if Whims of Fate isn't my favorite track, it is this one! The situation in where this plays, the lyrics - it all culminates perfectly in an epic climax. It had me doing this.
Jaldabaoth / Our Beginning - final boss..."Begone!"

-- Many JRPGs should take the battle interface introduced in P5 where each button is mapped to a corresponding action. Makes the battles quick, snappy, and a hell of a lot of fun.

This is one of my favorite games of all time! P5 Royal actually cracks into my personal Top 5 list and as of November 2023 it sits at the #5 spot.

One of the most criminally underrated and underappreciated gaming gems of the 6th generation of video games. Level 5's magnum opus that deserved all the adulation and praise that Ni No Kuni received... if you look up the term: "pure fun", it should display a picture of this game.

There were so many different gameplay systems that were expanded and improved upon from the first game. And they didn't stop there! Introducing an incredible array of new, ambitious ideas and additions to the gameplay variety, such as: improved dungeon exploration, weapon upgrades - with a tighter focus with there being only 1 melee/1 range weapon for the 2 main characters: Max and Monica, Ridepod customization, monster collection, town-building (and jumping back and forth in time to see what your town becomes in the future), recruiting townspeople to move into the places you build, Spheda (golf mini-game), fishing, fish raising/racing, and the photography/invention mechanic.

This game constantly keeps things fresh by having no shortage of things to do. With the absolutely gorgeous and timeless cel-shaded graphics, it all comes together perfectly. Level-5 put their entire heart and soul into making this masterpiece.

I'll always look back on this game with great memories, whether it be playing it for hours by myself back in middle school, or introducing it to my cousin when he was younger and us passing the controller back and forth. The only thing that saddens me when thinking back to this game, is that we never were given a Dark Cloud 3... after 20+ long years, and 3 console generations, I would have loved to see this franchise continue to grow and evolve from here. Alas, we shall never see it happen.. :(

The perfect kart racing game... if only they could have fixed the lengthy loading times, this would easily be a 5/5. Maybe a next-gen version would resolve the issue... They aren't atrocious, but they are long enough to detract from the overall experience and getting back on the track.

I love Mario Kart; it is my childhood kart racer... but it has to relinquish the crown to the superior racer: Crash. There is no blue shell bullshit, artificial difficulty, and "fun for all ages" Mario racing here - Crash doesn't play any games. This is your "git gud" kart racer that is purely skill based. The more time you put into it, the more you feel yourself getting better and better.

I recall mentioning to my cousin as I was playing on the Medium difficulty mode, that there would be no way I'd be able to platinum this title - Hard mode was insanity, and the time trials were even crazier... well, after a couple weeks of putting in work, I was rewarded one of my all-time favorite platinum trophies. :)

Excellent and addicting game.

One of the saddest endings to a game ever... and if you consider yourself to be a diehard FFVII fan, you better bring tissues.

It has great music, an incredibly likable protagonist, and a decent enough battle system, especially when considering it was built for a portable system. I was in awe exploring the world of FFVII with the much improved (at the time) PSP graphics...

I have more to say about this game, but I'll save it for the PS4/PS5 remastered review, which made many QoL improvements to it.

This game is the gold standard for the strategy RPG genre. It's the best in its class, still yet to be topped, and an absolute must play for anyone who enjoys RPGs or strategy games. To this day, I haven't played an SRPG I've enjoyed more than this one. This game makes it into my Top 5 Greatest Games of All Time list.

This game has it all - challenging, strategic gameplay, multiple different job classes and party customization, in-depth battle mechanics, diverse battle grids/areas, etc.

For a first time SRPG player back in the 90's, this game routinely kicked my ass throughout... but in a good way. :) It pushed me to try different tactics, party layouts, and just learn the game in-and-out about how it works. This game is dense in its gameplay, and it will take you a while to learn all of its intricacies. It also taught me a valuable lesson of keeping multiple saves, so you don't find yourself in an unwinnable situation (staring at you Wiegraf...).

I remember being haunted by Dorter Trade City, Golgorand Execution Site, Lionel Castle, the Wiegraf 1v1 and the 2nd part of that battle as a kid. There were other challenging battles as well, but these ones stay burned in my memory. The feeling of joy I felt when finally conquering them was euphoric. Don't be scared off by the challenge, however. If you learn the game properly, you can get through it. As an adult now, and understanding the game much more than I did as a child, I find myself dabbling in some modded versions that increase the game's difficulty even further.

The game is just fun - and I think a lot of that has to do with its job system and the quick nature of its battles. Each battle is usually comprised of 4-5 units on your team vs the 4-6 enemy units (there are instances where this changes though).

For players that want to break FF Tactics, it gives you plenty of options there too. Experimentation with the character classes is great, and I won't spoil some of the more OP job mixtures.

So that's enough about gameplay - next up I'd like to focus a little time on the game's story and music.

I'd consider FF Tactics to have the most mature storyline of any FF game to date. It essentially was Game of Thrones before GoT made it big (I know, the first book was released less than a year before the game, but you get my point). The game's tone, heavily political backdrop, and story with major themes in class warfare & religious dogma, create this very well constructed and believable world of Ivalice. And for those that dig under the surface, you can read up on the history of this world in the game to get an even greater appreciation for the game's setting and writing.

And its music fits this world and its tone perfectly. From its sweeping epic battle songs, to more somber character pieces, this game has it all. Some of my favorites would have to include: Trisection, Antipyretic, Delita's Theme, Battle on the Bridge, and Attack Team.

Also, I think the game's sound effects are a highly underappreciated part of the game, but everything just fits well: in my mind I can hear the character's death screams, weapon attacks, spell sounds, cursor noise, etc.

All in all, this game is a masterpiece. I still hold out hope for a true sequel to the series 20+ years after release...hell, I'll even take a War of the Lions remastered version on all platforms at this point. Just give me some SRPG goodness within the world of Ivalice, Square-Enix!!!

When looking at this game in its entirety: its gameplay, story, atmosphere, setting, lore, music, etc. I cannot help but consider Bloodborne as the best game From Software has ever created... and in a long line of amazing Souls games, that is quite the accomplishment.

The only downside of Bloodborne no longer exists, as it was only experienced for those folks who jumped in first upon its release back in the early days of the PS4... and those were the loading times. Thankfully, the patch came relatively quickly (but not quick enough before I ended up beating it) which cut down on the loading time significantly. The dreaded black screen of death with the words Bloodborne across it are still imprinted in my memory banks though... waiting to respawn for what seemed like a damn eternity. But now, with new consoles, and post-patch, this is no longer an issue.

Now I wait for the inevitable re-release for PS5 with some minor enhancements... it has to be coming eventually? Right guys? Riiightt!?!?

In summary, Bloodborne is a masterpiece through and through. And is deserving of a replay from me to finally get around to the DLC (The Old Hunters) that I have never played... I was waiting for a remaster, but depending on how much longer it takes, I might just dive in with my original copy of the game...