Super fun Mega Man game. That’s all it was though.

Love the new characters, some of the new Pokémon are kinda weak. The pace was great, the villains were a little weak. I had a great time overall

Beautiful, masterful remake. Every new design is faithful and beautiful, and every game is spectacular. The main problem lies with a couple frustrating missions in Spyro 3, which keeps this game from being a perfect 3D Platformer. Aside from that, masterful

Awesome collection of two very nostalgic games. The graphics and loading are honestly kinda incredible for the Switch, and very much improved over the original versions. Having these two wonderful games in a single packages is just awesome, although I wish some of the glitches had been ironed out.

Wonderful Puzzle Adventure Game! Luigi’s new abilities are awesome and the whole game I just very fun. Some end game encounters are straight up not well designed, and the game is very easy overall, but exploring the hotel is so fun, and the game is absolutely gorgeous.

Well, it’s kinda draining. Game looks great, the Soundtrack is incredible, but there are just gameplay decisions and creative decisions that hold it back so hard. It’s just not Transformed.

There’s a lot to unpack here, and overall playing through it and all the gameplay modes is very fun. The game really opens up after the main story and there’s a lot of fun to be had with the huge amount of new character to play as. However, 100%ing the game is kinda a chore, although maybe worth it. Good, solid, albeit easy, platforming cuteness.

One of the shorter LEGO games I’ve played, and there was a lot of leeway taken with the stories of the original movies to make them less dark and easier to make co op. However, the main game runs very consistently at 30, and the over world doesn’t actually run unbearable slow unlike some other LEGO games on the platform. Because it is a LEGO game, it is very well made and overall a very solid experience for kids and adults alike.

I’m very mixed here. This game simply has too much going for its own good. Getting parts also didn’t work for some reason so that sucked. Also there’s absolutely no reason to play as just X because he is terrible. And finally, Alia not shutting up became very frustrating. Overall, a very divisive package.

It’s quite good, definitely a fun platformer. However, it’s held back by crushing bugs, and as the game kept going the levels definitely got worse. Overall, definitely worth $30, but only for a finish.

Shockingly an incredibly fun and beautifully made button masher. No bugs at all, and I loved the progression system. For the time, the graphics are amazing. The only real disappointment was that Edmund was kinda just worse Peter.

an absolute master class of first person level design. Despite being decades old, it ran beautifully on my PC and any graphical issues can be written off due to the time it was released

(Score given in 2020, review written in 2022) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is an achievement in not just fighting games, but video games as a whole. The amount of raw and unique gameplay content is jaw dropping, and the dedication to the details of each and every world brought into the game is astounding. Each character feels like mountains of love and care were brought into them, and despite input lag combat feels very satisfying. The only issue with this games lies with some lacking and non repeatable single player content. World of Light is only okay, and as someone who has every spirit the journey to unlock them all really isn't worth it. Oh and the online is garbage but I don't even play the game online anymore.

Simply Put, Black Mesa takes what worked about the original Half Life, throws out everything that didn’t, and makes one of the greatest first person shooters I’ve ever played. The level design on show from these developers is staggeringly incredible, something I haven’t seen in years. The updates to Xen, The improved Boss Fights, the more streamlined puzzles. Everything was incredible and on full display at all times. My only problem with the game was that there were some mild bugs here and there. That’s it. If those ever get ironed out, this is my favorite single player FPS of all time.

This game removes all of the qualities of the structure of a LEGO game, while also making very frustrating decisions with level design, and finally has incredibly buggy sound. Not worth anything, don’t play