This is possibly the most complete and amazing package of the original Super Mario Bros. and The Lost Levels. The original games are tuned up to a tee, fixing all of my physics issues with the games and adding a save function. There’s extra modes up the ass, with scavenger hunts and challenges a plenty. There’s mountains of extra content, and honestly I’m so impressed this was all on the GBC. The only problem is the screen space. It tries its best to fix the problems by letting you scroll the screen up and down, but that can only fix so much.

FNAF 3 is not my favorite game in the series. It dials back a lot in terms of its scope and scale. There’s only one thing that can kill you, everything else just affects your ability to perform tasks. The location is much less iconic and less easy to tell where stuff is. At the same time, Springtrap is easily one of my favorite characters in the series. The game itself is far less of a gameplay loop, and you have to be much more adaptable than the ones that come before it. You constantly feel at risk because you officially have no way to defends yourself. No doors, no masks, and no flashlights. All you can do is try to maneuver Springtrap around the facility like he’s a dog on a leash. While the game is certainly muddy, it’s also extremely iconic visually. No game I’ve ever played looks like FNAF 3. Overall, I find the game more fun than 2, even if it’s less ambitious, and a pretty engaging finale to the original trilogy, and a great introduction to the main antagonist of the series, William Afton.

This is possibly one of the single worst platformers I've ever played. Jumping feels miserable and stilted, and it also has some the worst jump height I've seen in a game. Character models and environments are atrociously ugly, and VA is extremely varied in quality, mostly negative. And then there's the camera. This is possibly the worst camera in any game I've ever played, and I truly mean that. The only time I've felt more immediately nautious playing a game was after playing Doom 2016 two weeks after having Covid. Controlling this thing is a nightmare, and it gets clipped on every imaginable surface. This also isn't helped by the inability for the camera to stay at a height that's comfortable for platforming. The only redeeming quality keeping this game from a 1/10 is that the behind the scenes about the movie and the movie clips are very fun and welcome, even if most of it I recognize from Pixar DVD's I had as a kid. If you want to play a Monsters Inc. game, you'll do better just sticking to whenever Monsters Inc. characters appear in Disney crossovers.

This is one of the most fun, creative, and enjoyable dumpster fires I’ve ever experienced. This game is so trash yet it’s got some of the most fun horror moments in any game I’ve played this year. The Voice Acting, Music, Modeling, and Animations have all come together for this incredible package that the engineering absolutely fails to deliver. This game has no visual options whatsoever, yet it may be one of the most stuttering games I’ve ever played. I wish they had given this game another year in the oven, this is not a good look.

This game is quite enjoyable, although it has a bit of jank. The controls are crazy stiff, and jumping feels really wacky. However, the structure and exploration of the game carries it hard. Each individual sections feels very nice and looks very good for the time the game came out in. The voice acting is a tad rough but it’s much better than the PS1 version. Harry’s arsenal isn’t super well explored, but all the standard spells are there. The bosses are a bit lame, and the ending is quite rushed, but the game remains fun throughout the whole thing. Plus it actually included some content from the book that isn’t in the movie, which is nice.

While the tech presented in this game isn’t exactly impressive anymore, I still had a pretty fun time. The game feels surprisingly satisfying to control, and the five different modes of transportation feel great to perfect. I really wish the game was longer, and the structure was a bit different. I really wanted a whole list of Light Plant courses, and a whole list of Rocket Pack Missions. I could’ve done without the paraglider and skydiving, but they were still fun in their own regards. Helicopters felt underutilized and gimmicky, and the turrets were not fun to deal with. Also the scenes felt out of place, although I honestly might not say that if I had know this was a war game going in. I thought it was just a flight sim, and it definitely exceeded my expectations

Not going to Lie, I was somewhat disappointed by this game. The first and second were pretty good, but this one kinda fell off the cliff a bit. First, the pros. The spell variety is fantastic. Each spell controls different and it’s really satisfying to use them all. Similarly, the enemy variety is pretty great as well. And of course, this game has an incredible soundtrack, a personal favorite of mine. Unfortunately that’s kinda where the positives end? Negatives wise, the game is extremely short, and the ending feels rushed as hell. The visuals ultimately got worse, which hurts a lot. Quidditch is completely gone, now relegated to exclusively a cutscene. Controlling the characters got far worse, they maintain way too much momentum and it makes them feel extremely slippery. Aiming at enemies feels terrible and unpredictable, and ultimately your AI partners end up being both annoying and complete hinderances. The game is just disappointing.

Shockingly an incredibly fun and beautifully made button masher. No bugs at all, and I loved the progression system. For the time, the graphics are amazing. The only real disappointment was that Edmund was kinda just worse Peter.

I’m not going to lie when I say I started playing this game to make fun of it. I thought it would be another Casper situation and just be a humongous pile of trash. Luckily the game was actually really fun. Starting with the presentation, it’s OK. It’s nothing worth writing home about really. The music is OK if a little generic. The graphics are fine for the time with the models being decent and the environment being pretty good. It does a fine job representing the world of the classic cartoon. however when it comes to actually playing the game it’s not half bad. Scooby controls with a decent sense of speed and weight and it’s really quite fun to control. He also has a pretty diverse moves that and ways to dispel enemies, which makes fights more engaging while at the same time meaning enemies can be designed more varied. The levels of them selves although short, have some pretty neat secrets and sometimes actually made me think about how to reach an area. The bosses range from OK to a boss around halfway through the game that’s actually extremely fun. I also really enjoyed the collectathon aspect of this game. Getting different snacks allowed you to increase your health, getting clues allowed you to open up different areas of the small open world in between each separate platforming level, and getting all of the trap pieces allow you to read up on the history of each monster featured in the game. The fact that it included the voice actors from the show was also really nice as well, I recognized everyone from that era of the shell from when I was a kid. Overall it’s a pretty solid package if a little short which is why I ended up grading it a little harsh.

The problem with FNAF 2 really lies in the fact that it is just a precision execution test. There is nothing else to the game. It’s not scary, the graphics and atmosphere have aged far more than FNAF 1 and the sound design isn’t as creepy. It’s just intense and nothing more but it is still a solid game.

Doom 2 is kinda a miracle. There’s no reason this old ass FPS should be any fun nowadays. And yet, everything about it just ticks. While not much is different from a visual standpoint and gameplay standpoint, Doom 2 decides to just add on top of the solid foundation of the first game, making an extremely expansive and fun game. The game only adds one new weapon, but it’s one of the greatest FPS weapons of all time. The Super Shotgun makes this game feel so good. Although it completely outranks everything about the original shotgun, I didn’t mind. It feels so good to turn a corner and gun down three or four grunts with on blast. Also worth noting are all the new enemy types. While some, like the Mancubus and Hell Knight feel slightly inconsequential, the Revenant, the Pain Elemental, and the Arch-Vile are easily some of the most important and threatening forces in the game. Every time the game threw an Arch-Vile at me I jumped. No encounter feels safe, you’re always on your toes anticipating what comes next. My only problem with this game is the midsection city levels. The feel so much like a open mess when compared to how tightly designed the Techno Levels and the Hell Levels are. Also worth noting, I’m slightly disappointed that the Wolfenstein secret level have to be censored. They’re an extremely cool addition that not many developers would have thought of in the mid 90’s, and seeing Bethesda tamper with that secret later on is very disappointing. However, Doom 2 is still a classic game, and is very much worth a play. Now I feel like I need to replay Doom 64. I must’ve missed something.

This is certainly a LEGO game. It looks nice, has nice music, and a lot of characters to choose from. There’s a lot of problems though. The game is extremely buggy and unstable, requiring me to play the game at varying resolutions in order to prevent Soft Locks in certain areas. Another key issue is that the level design is very boring and uninspired, as well as being hard to navigate sometimes due to lacking information on what to do next. My biggest problem with the game is that I really don’t appreciate how they’re treating some of these characters. Wonder Woman specifically is horrendous and not even close to the lovable Super Woman we all know. However, I did enjoy the Gadget system, even though the endlag on the transformation was so long if you stand in place while transforming. Also holy hell the open worlds suck

an absolute master class of first person level design. Despite being decades old, it ran beautifully on my PC and any graphical issues can be written off due to the time it was released

Well, it’s kinda draining. Game looks great, the Soundtrack is incredible, but there are just gameplay decisions and creative decisions that hold it back so hard. It’s just not Transformed.

It’s no secret that I love the first four Harry Potter Games on all the consoles they’re on. However, this one stood as the one I hadn’t played up to this point. Turns out, it’s a solid installment in the series. Starting out with the negatives, firstly the visuals are a mixed bag. The game looks (and is, but we’ll get into that later) barren. There’s very few NPC’s on screen at a time, and it’s not the console I choose. The GameCube was only a little worse than the XBOX power wise. The models have not aged well, however, quite a few of the environments have, so it’s 50/50. Another negative against the game is that there were numerous bugs I encountered that halted my progress for a little bit. as well, Final Boss of the game is not good, and if you die you only respawn with a 6th of your total life bar. Seriously. This game had big issues with life management, because when you start a new level you don’t actually get your life restored. The final negative that comes into the game is that there’s a lot of waiting for excessively long animations and cutscenes to play out. Far too much of the game is spent not in control of Harry. However, past that, this game is pretty damn great. The greatest thing here is how fun Hogwarts is to explore. As you learn new spells and gain new abilities, you can basically open up the entirety of the map and explore. It’s so much fun and it really lets you take advantage of every piece of Harry’s arsenal. Hogwarts as a big giant level to explore carries this game SO HARD. It’s also extremely rewarding to collect the cards in the game because every 20 cards you collect gives you another Health Bar, up to 5 additional bars. Another great thing about this game is the dungeon design. Although simple, it really helps you get accustomed to each new ability you gain in them. Really this game is a simpler Legend of Zelda Clone, and I think I’m okay with that.