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Nanaya finished Guardian's Crusade
A rather simple RPG that oozes charm from top to bottom. The premise of working and growing alongside a cute little dragon companion is a compelling one and it's gratifying to overcome challenges by teaming up with this little guy you don't have complete control over. There's a lot of grinding and despite the wide variety of living toys you get, combat rarely ever gets more complicated than using your defensive toy and summoning a damaging toy and spamming attack. That simplicity reminded me of going through the first few Dragon Quests though and I found it very comfy. There's a lot of cute dialogue to enjoy and while the world doesn't look amazing, the ability to just walk in and out of towns with no loading screens or an overworld map was pretty cool.

7 hrs ago

Nanaya is now playing Urban Reign

1 day ago

Nanaya finished The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces
The Pre-WW2 japanese setting and the older tech it brings to the table make Sky Crawlers the freshest take on Ace Combat the series has to offer. While I can't say I enjoy the lighter difficulty and gun-focused combat more than the average AC gameplay, it's certainly refreshing and enjoyable in its own way. The music is also great as usual and the anime-style story had personality even if it could feel like being surrounded by a dysfunctional crew of highschoolers every now and then.

1 day ago

2 days ago

Nanaya earned the Replay '14 badge

4 days ago

Nanaya finished 1080° Avalanche
History will remember the time Rock Howard nailed a gnarly 1080 at Avalanche Alley. I'd say I still prefer SSX Tricky but this one's real fun in it's own way. I've never been a big fan of trick-focused stuff so I do like the focus on straightforward racing and the avalanche stages are intense.

4 days ago

Nanaya is now playing 1080° Avalanche

5 days ago

Nanaya completed Run Saber
Pretty short and simple but enjoyable nonetheless. I like that it has the snappy, satisfying action commonly found in these retro sidescrollers but with marginally more reasonable difficulty. That being said, these games always make me wish I was playing as some 2 foot tall goblin creature because it's hard to do anything in boss fights without your massive sprite colliding with the boss or its attacks.

5 days ago

Nanaya is now playing Run Saber

6 days ago

Nanaya finished Solatorobo: Red the Hunter
Really fun game with a vibrant world and colorful cast of characters. I appreciate the amount of work put into the presentation despite the limitations of the DS hardware. It could be a bit too handhold-y at times and the combat was pretty simplistic but tossing enemies around was fun and I liked how the mandatory sidequesting usually at least came with some cute character interactions. Also I like Opera. I'm not a furry....BUT

6 days ago

Nanaya is now playing Guardian's Crusade

8 days ago

Nanaya finished Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
The psychic powers are a lot of fun to play around with and the cheesy story featuring its own foxhound boss squad and awkward voice acting made for some enjoyable cutscenes. I especially loved the bit with the guy in the training flashbacks changing his hair every time and the comically abrupt cliffhanger ending. Unfortunately the last couple levels are a huge pain with the aura beasts and invisible mines so it ended on a rather bitter note.

8 days ago

12 days ago

Nanaya abandoned Linda Cube Again
Simultaneously the most interesting and boring RPG I've ever played. Unfortunately the boring part is way more prominent so I'm not vibing with it.

13 days ago

Nanaya finished Kororinpa: Marble Mania
It's like monkey ball if it was made by human beings and not satan. Can be a real pain in the wrist though.

13 days ago

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