Every series needs a reboot that physically moves the location away from England + has a virtual haggis at one point that you can click to virtually eat it. Unfortunately this is the only series I know that does this, at present.

Feels oddly realistic? Wouldn't want to attempt it without save states.

I didn't play all the puzzle mode, but it doesn't seem anywhere near as fun as the rest.
Good vibrations

The very best, and very worst, of all its genres. Very, very fun, as long as you use the hint system a lot.

On the Steam page, many bold and strange claims are made. Up until launch I assumed it wouldn't really fulfil most of them, but it really is everything claimed and more.

The final episode (new to this version) is definitely the weakest, which leaves a poorer final impression, but even that is very good.

It's certainly a game to play many more times than once, and I have only played it once, but this is easily the most fun I've had with a roguelike kind of thing.


Really, really fun when it's at its best. Particularly in the early stages, before keywords are introduced, it's absolutely the most fun I've had with a game of its type, and also plays really differently to normal programming.
Technically I used a solution for 3 puzzles, trying to work out how they worked while running them (but giving up - the only solutions out there are the hacky difficult to understand short ones because those are the impressive ones) (though I do now understand the algorithm appropriate to 5-5).
By the fifth set of puzzles, I did find myself constantly gravitating towards more repetitive TM style solutions, which are simultaneously less fun to attempt and less efficient.
There is a great deal of fun to be had here though.

Fun to play, though simple. While the characters all play quite differently, it's a bit repetitive to play the campaign as all of them in quick succession, though they're very short. The important part is that it's fun though.

The worst game I have ever played. Terrible design. How the heck would anyone find it fun to slowly cross a wide farm while avoiding slipping into the abyss and getting a game over? Terrible. Why does Garfield make a meow noise? That's just disturbing. Such a bad game. The writing is pretty bad too.


Feels surprisingly similar to Distraint despite the lack of text. The puzzles aren't too hard but they're not horribly easy, they're definitely fun though. Overall it's a really good game.

Perhaps its my fault for not getting full points the first time, but replaying levels to unlock future sets is incredibly unfun here.