Pretty fun game. I wish it was more faithful to the atmosphere of the Game Boy game, but it's hard to complain about the presentation overall. I also wish the Counter mechanic didn't absolutely break the game. Fun time overall.

Okay collection. Lots of input delay. You're better off just emulating these games through other means.

Okay collection. Lots of input delay. You're better off just emulating these games through other means.

One of the worst remasters I've ever seen. It's embarrassing that SEGA allowed this to release.

A disappointing sequel to one of the greatest games ever made. Poorly written characters, boring story, button mashing combat, and the awful decade of build up that lead to this game all combine to create one of the most mediocre experiences of my life. This game is proof that some games don't need sequels.

A fun game that's a victim to Epic's awful business decisions.

It's okay. Nothing special. Feels kind of cheap at times. Only play this if you're absolutely dying to play more 2D Sonic.

A beautiful game that's being held back by an awful gimmick and boring level design.

This game is really fun! The controls are good and the fan service is decent.

It's a fun game, but it needed more time to cook.

One of the best platformers I've ever played. They nailed absolutely everything perfectly. Amazing music, amazing presentation, great level design, perfect pacing. I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a good game to play.

A fun re-imagining of the Game Gear game. Great level design, excellent 16-bit remixes of music, and lots of new elements that keep you hooked! I recommend this if you're a Sonic fan looking to play a new 2D game.

A step up from Episode 1, but still generic and unfun.

It's hard to not compare this to Sonic Mania. It's a fine game, but nothing special. It's highs aren't that memorable and its low points are really low. I still had some fun with it, but nothing about the game stuck out as memorable, save for Tee Lopes's contributions to the soundtrack. The rest of the soundtrack has a really noticeable lack of sound control. Just play Sonic Mania instead of this game.