An extremely buggy mess with poor level design and awful audio mixing. Its only saving graces are the great OST and Shadow the Hedgehog.

An ambitious kart racer with way too many mechanics. The fan service is nice and the game is fun once you learn it. That being said, I don't recommend it to newcomers to the genre. This is only for the most hardcore players.

Game's good. It's short, simple, and fun. A encountered some bugs every now and again but it didn't ruin the experience. The music is amazing and very catchy. I recommend Penny's Big Breakaway if you want a fun time.

Fantastic game. I absolutely love the 32-bit aesthetic! The game controls well, the movement is fun, and there's a lot of replay value, whether it be mastering the game's movement to get good times, or getting all of the collectibles. The little bits of lore are neat too. There's also cute designs and a fantastic soundtrack to boot! I highly recommend this game!

Fun fighting game with a mediocre story. The only story modes you need to play are Margaret's P4A story and Labrys's P4A story. The rest are kind of bland with an occasional funny moment or two. As a fighting game it's extremely fun an addictive. Feel free to ignore the story mode and have a fun time playing online with friends.

Fun game. I'd like it more if the game wasn't so reliant on predatory business decisions like FOMO and overpriced cosmetics.

A shameless cash grab by Warner Bros trying to copy the success of Smash Bros. Microtransactions galore, horrible controls, mediocre presentation, and a ton of bugs. It somehow feels worse than it did as a "beta". Avoid it like the plague.


Jokes aside, this is a fine way to play UNO online. The online is pretty buggy though and the Ubisoft account requirement is somewhat annoying.

One of the best experiences I've ever had with a piece of media. I highly recommend it.

A not-so-great collection of some of Sonic's best outings. Filled with random bugs, errors, inconsistencies, extremely low quality audio, and other glaring flaws, I do not recommend this to anyone. That is, in its unmodded state. The amazingly talented modding community for Sonic has gone the extra mile to actually make Origins one of the best ways to play these games, fixing a vast majority of these bugs and inconsistencies. If you want to play this collection, make sure to get Sonic Origins Ultrafix! As this is a review of the base product, I sadly cannot include Ultrafix as part of the rating. The base product as-is, even after all of its updates, remains a laughably bad rerelease. I do not recommend.

A fun throwback to Sonic's heyday. Developed by Evening Star, Headcannon, and PagodaWest Games, Sonic Mania has a lot of talented staff working on it, some with over a decade of experience with ROM hacking and fan games. Their talent shows in how great the level design is and how fun Sonic is to control! On top of that, these developers are hardcore fans, and there's tons of references, easter eggs, and other callbacks to the series as a whole sprinkled throughout. The excellent music by Tee Lopes is the cherry on top to make this one of the best platformers out on the market right now. I highly recommend Sonic Mania!

Definitely Sonic's highest quality title since the series's Genesis debut. With a strong focus on branching pathways, shortcuts, and speedrunning, Generations is very replayable. I recommend it even if you aren't a Sonic fan.

Sonic's campaign is some of the best 3D platforming I've ever played. There's tons of branching paths and shortcuts which creates a lot of replayability. The other campaigns range from good to just okay, nothing outright bad. If you play the PC version, I recommend using the Dreamcast Conversion mod to fix the PC port. The game is a great time and I highly recommend it.

It's fine. Good music and presentation, terrible writing.

Fun game with a great cast of characters and catchy music. While this game's age shows in its blatant homophobia in several scenes, its still a fun game if you look past that. I recommend it.