An improved version of an already amazing game! While I find the new Future Connected story to be boring and unnecessary, I do think its cool that they restored the lost Bionis's Shoulder map from the beta builds of the original Wii game.
As for the remaster itself, it may not be perfect, but the visuals they did improve look absolutely amazing! They did attempt to streamline some of the problems the original game had, but the tedium of side quests mostly remains the same. The story is just as fantastic as ever and the new versions of music mostly elevate an already amazing soundtrack! I do dislike some of the new versions of the music, but thankfully there's a toggle for both cutscene music and field music.
Please give this game a chance if you haven't already!

This game has both absolutely phenomenal story and a fantastic OST. I could go on for hours about the many good things this game does. That being said, I do find battles to be repetitive, especially once you learn how to topple lock enemies. This game is still great, but the lackluster combat and tedious busywork for side quests prevent me from calling it perfect. Definitely check out the game if you can!

Better than the Wii version I guess? The bar is at the bottom of the ocean.

I can't believe I played this.

I see this game moreso as an expansion to Galaxy than its own game. Just like Galaxy, I think Mario is way too stiff in Galaxy 2, and it prevents me from enjoying it as much as I want to. That being said, I think the pacing and general level design is a lot better in Galaxy 2 than it is in Galaxy 1. The streamlined format improves the pacing a lot for these linear levels. The game is a fun time, but the controls prevent me from enjoying it more.

Great ideas and awesome level environments. Unfortunately, I found the controls to be very stiff. I want to like this game, but the controls are too frustrating to enjoy.

The best of the New Super games, and one of the best Mario games in general! This first entry in the NSMB series has a lot of fresh and original ideas that still have yet to make an appearance in any future Mario titles. Mario's great to control, there's a great sense of flow, and the game is very fun! I definitely recommend it if you're a Mario fan!

An okay collection. Ignoring Nintendo's awful business practices, it gives us Mario 64 with poor AI upscaling, the definitive version of Mario Sunshine, and an alternative way to play Mario Galaxy. Mario Galaxy without the wii remote sound effects just doesn't feel the same. That and 64's poor upscaling prevents me from enjoying this collection. There are better ways to play 64 and Galaxy. I definitely recommend this version of Sunshine above all others though, the widescreen an upscaled assets improve the experience a lot.

Great tracks and memorable tunes attached to a kart racer with awful controls.

The downgrade in graphics and presentation ruins what would otherwise be the definitive version of Wind Waker.

One of the best platformers out there. The visuals may have aged, but the gameplay has aged like a fine wine. I love going back to this one and speedrunning it, or even just replaying levels and messing around with the cape feather. This is one of the best Mario games, and I encourage everyone to try it out!


This hack is interesting. It takes all of the playground rumors, dream-like photoshops, liminal spaces and beta footage of Mario 64 and wraps it all into one package. While some game design elements are questionable, and a lot of the level design is awful, the actual experience of this hack is unmatched by anything else I've played. Going through dozens of liminal spaces in the Mario 64 engine, many of which taken from famous images and the like of Mario 64, is a very surreal experience. This alongside recreations of many beta elements and playground rumors, as well as the sentient AI of the game, all culminate to a unique gaming experience that no other game can replicate. If you're a hardcore fan of Mario 64, I highly recommend this hack.

Short but sweet. This hack has high replayability and encourages speedruns. Fun movement too. I recommend it to anyone who wants a short Bowser's Fury styled game.

An awful remaster of an incredible game. Almost every single decision made was a decision made for the worse. It's baffling that a product this bad was published by Nintendo. Go play the N64 version.

A fun kart racer. While dated, it still offers a lot of charm and memorable tracks.