31 reviews liked by HeinrichLunge

I gave 1 point more for Lewis cannon

Depressingly mid despite having some potential and nice presentation -- story is too short to do much of anything interesting, and what time you do have is mostly spent meddling around.

Such is the fate of the kinetic novel -- too short to accomplish anything interesting and also too restrained by Key's need to maintain its brand image. What you're left with is a predictable story that could've been more, had it been produced by literally anyone else.

puzzles that tickle your brain just the right amount, and the lovely Hatsune Miku is also there. i just cannot get enough of this game. buy now

Badass interactive experience for the Sega entertainment system. I know know how to toss salad with the best of them

one of the coziest games I have ever played. so simple and enjoyable. I honestly loved the localization too

i would like to formally apologize for everything negative i said about this game