I think this game is somewhat special, even though it is designed for a portable console I enjoyed it on ps5 and didn’t feel it is that old. Very engaging gameplay and enough variety here and there also the boss fights were kinda fun. The thing that holds this back is the brutal difficulty, I don’t I would endure this as much if it isn’t for the rewind feature on the ps5. Overall it is a fun, short game that is worth your time.

Too difficult and level design is not interesting, average fun

Cool new environments and boss fights, but overall too confusing

Very good expansion pack which includes new enemy types, new weapons and a bombastic new soundtrack. You should absolutely try this if you liked playing the original Quake.


An excellent enhanced port of the original Quake. Level design is superb and weapon variety is quite satisfying for its time. It has a very addictive gameplay and should be played no matter what year it is.

This time the production is more high quality that's not the say the previous game looked bad but, this one feels more like the developer actually tried to make. It was more weird this time around but I enjoyed it for what it is.

A weird short game where you read the thoughts of a girl who is on her way to buy some milk

The story is captivating and on par with some of the movies. Best iteration of the swinging mechanic and the game is packed with great content that makes swinging through new york a joy every time. Also the additional suits are great.

I learned to think with portals in real life after this.

”Where's Everyone Going? Bingo?”

A groundbreaking remake of the groundbreaking original. This game(original) single-handedly created a new genre in the gaming landscape, and this remake creates an alternate version of the original which not only improves on most aspects but also is a different beast altogether. The graphics are even more gorgeous than the already impressive Resident Evil Village. The increased horror atmosphere is a welcome change and makes the environments more fun to explore. The story was always infamously cheesy, and it is not that much changed here but I think it is engaging enough, and the characters are the most interesting part anyway.
As for the gameplay, the changes are apparent but the thing that deserves the most praise is the new knife mechanic. It makes the fights more strategic and aggressive at the same time which enables the player to engage in melee combat even more.

(Seperate Ways DLC is probably on its way and I will update this review when I platinum the game and more content is added)

This game is the definition of the indie genre. Creative game design and unexpected things coming at you for making this a unique experience overall. Also the soundtrack hits different...

Masterclass in open-world creation. This is one of the best games that make character progression feel good.

Colorful and creative hub worlds, new gameplay mechanics around every corner, and one of the tightest platforming experience you can ever lay hands on is present here. This combined with a beautiful soundtrack and graphics and you have yourself a pretty good time.