Never have I played a Bethesda game, or any open world rpg, and felt almost nothing upon finishing the main story

If you don't have friends you enjoy comedy and banter/improv with you probs won't like this game but it's why I do, it's so fucking funny

Spider-Man PS4, a masterpiece of a game. It has stunning graphics, amazing gameplay and the dumbest swimming mechanic I've ever seen in my entire life. Today I'm going to be judging Spider-Man PS4 on four different categories: story, core gameplay and mechanics, graphics fidelity and overall performance. Starting off with the story, I have a lot to say about it but none of it is particularly funny, so for the sake of entertainment I'm going to keep this segment short and to the point. I think the story is G O O D. Moving on to the gameplay. I don't think much needs to be said here either. If you want my thoughts on the gameplay refer to the beginning of the video. The dumbest swimming mechanic- Yeah no but seriously. The gameplay is great the combat is fluent and the web-swinging is a ten out of ten. Graphics. The visuals in this game are amazing, they're vast, beautiful- wait, there's no ray tracing. This game gets a zero out of ten for no RTX. Lastly, performance, I honestly just added this category to complain about the framerate. It's 2019 Insomniac, where's my 60 fps? I really do like Spider-Man PS4. I wouldn't actually call it a masterpiece but definitely recommend it. There really aren't any bad things worth mentioning. There's stuff I wish they would have added but I can't remember anything I truly hated. The story feels like a classic Marvel narrative and its captivating to the very end.
[8:00 PM]
The mechanics are great, they're fluent and easy to master. They also add a lot to the immersion of controlling Spider-Man. The graphics and performance are likewise, amazing. I've only ever had one moment where the game had to freeze for a second to load the world, and I haven't found a single point on the map that looks bad in terms of graphics. My final thoughts are this: if you like comics and or single player games, buy Spider-Man PS4. But but but also take this with a grain of salt because my opinions and reviews aren't the best. So with that all said guys I hope you enjoyed, thank you all for watching and I appreciate the support. Much love, and peace out.

(review not by me)

Peak story. peak characters. that is all. play peak