This one is where it started to get really bad I returned this to gamestop it was so bad.

Ugh this one was awful. The player movements all look so janky and they made no real notable changes to franchise mode. MUT is clearly the focus but the whole upgrading cards system was terrible and made it such a grind. But really this ones gameplay is the worst. It looks so bad and plays horribly.

Incredible game. Super fun multiplayer especially with forge mode. All the crazy game modes in this made for some amazing gaming nights. The campaign is also top notch and has great graphics a great story and great voice acting. Also a legendary score.

Super fun but not much depth. The tanks kind of ruin it and I would usually turn them off. However it has solid graphics and a fun campaign.

Tons of depth but not much of a shooter every mission kind of plays out the same

Basically tried to play off off of the success of call of duty zombies. Fused so many elements of it but its has lackluster graphics and every gun feels the same.

This changed so much about the game but for the worse. The multiplayer being character based and having super long time to kill was annoying. Also they made zombies worse its so boring now.

Just incredible stuff. decent campaign but an amazing multiplayer. I have unlocked every gun including the dlc ones and I have had an absolute blast playing this game. I just love it.

Really really good for its time. I love the Normandy Beach map I could play that all day. Despite its flaws its fun and I have revisited it multiple times. If you consider playing it do make sure to understand its old and janky but that was the time.

Immaculate Vibe and super fun. The melee system and the super vehicle and specialist systems were incredible. I love operations. Really felt like world war one. I have unlocked every gun including the peacekeeper in this game and had a blast.

I just personally hated everything they did with this. The campaign is awful, and the multiplayer changes ruined the formula. The whole health packs system is terrible. The way that the machine guns can only be used prone is awful. Also the long revive system that made the medic useless was just annoying. Plus there was so little content at launch. Very little variety. Overall this game is the worst of the new battlefield and I hope they walk back the changes.

Amazing game the campaign had the best vibe super dark and disturbing like a ww2 game should be. Plus the use of multiple factions added so much. The zombies gamemode was goated but the multiplayer needed more depth. Also the campaigns grenade spamming gets so annoying on veteran. Overall still amazing.

At its peak this game was incredible. I mained Jackle and Mira and had the time of my life. However the fact that it keeps changing its maps makes this game for me inaccessible. As soon as you start to get it it changes drastically.

Serviceable, but shorter and does not have as interesting as bosses as the others