Dude I love the vibe of this game and it has so many cool weapons. The follower system and the three big bads before the final big bad system rocked my socks. Easy 5 star for me its story, gameplay and graphics are great. Immaculate American vibe.

Really loved the story and really loved the different stances. I played this through 3 different times on Jedi grandmaster and 100%ed it.

Easily the best thing Disney has done with the Star wars license.

This is the best fantasy RPG I have ever played. I have replayed it 5 times and each time I find something new I love about it. All the different guilds and skills and areas make this game have extreme depth. It cannot be overstated how good Skyrim is especially the first time you paly it. The Dark brotherhood is easily the best part though.

I absolutely loved this game when it came out. The different types of towers and enemies make this so much fun. I only wish there were more types of towers and that they were all equally as good. The bomb tower is clearly the weakest.

This was so much fun to play on browser back in the day. Almost as fun as a AAA shooter. It had a lot of weapons and depth but the shooting was amature compared to AAA games form this time. Still really good for a browser game.

Seriously If you haven't played this go on Kongregate and get to playing. This game being a free flash game is incredible. It is so simple yet so fun. There is so much depth and its just so crazy.

Has the best story of all time, It is just so chock full of great Star wars content. Personally I love all the empire stories they are the best by far and its so cool this game lets you play as the villains. The interactions with your crew and the choices you make add so much depth. Plus the combat being WOW like is fin with me its fun enough. Its grindy and repetitive at times buts its got so much depth and there is so much to do. I love this game.

The campaign is super boring but the instant action has loads of fun maps and classes. The components were all there to make this a truly great game but the best one in this series is clearly the second one. With this one not having heroes or a narrative campaign it is clearly inferior.

Insane depth and unlimited potential for replays. The best campaign of any star wars based shooter by a mile. I could play instant action all day for the rest of my life and not be bored there is so much depth and so many fun maps and heroes. You got to play this one.

I thought this was great but lacking in certain areas. It is not very re playable because its very long and drawn out. Also one of the classes (sharpshooter) is just clearly inferior to all the other. Also the characters introduced (the engineer the doctor) in this were not as good as the previous one. All in all though it looks amazing and has lots of depth. You can really get encapsulated into this games world. While playing it I feel like time just flew bye.

Extremely good and infinitley replayable. Super fun strategy game with permadeath that makes every decision mean something I loved this game. Pro tip: start in Africa.

one of the better maddens and the last really good one that changed anything for the better. The legends and the all madden teams were so fun to paly with and the franchise was actually fun. Ultimate team was still in its early stages at this point.