This game is just beautiful. After 4 hours the moments I've had were more memorable than most games I've played over the whole of last year. Be a rabbit, hang out with your woodland creature buddies. No violence, just exploring the world together. A meditative experience.

Good twin stick shooter, but old. I do Freeplay on Severe difficulty once in a while to try and get a new highscore. Fun game, lots of crowd control awareness necessary.

One of my favorite games, do a playthrough pretty much ever year or so. Really relaxed and feel like I learn a lot about geography and the world in general, even though the game takes place in an alternate universe steampunk world. Great writing.

Does well what it wants to do. Fun way to spend an hour or two and cheap as hell

I like this type of game and Painkiller is a classic. Not the best version of the game but good for a playthrough.

Mechwarrior Mercenaries in isometric view. Get used to the way the different chassis move and you'll have a great time. Get stuck on terrain all the time and bombed to hell, have a bad time. Try to get used to one chassis at a time.
Pro tip: If you get a bit better and feel yourself always using the same strategies and approaches, try using a random loadout, it really lures you out of your comfort zone and can be a lot of fun :)

This is the ultimate game. The best game of all time. Maybe hyperbolic.

Well definitely my personal favorite game of all time. I've been playing it since before there was a z layer (pre 2007) and I have gotten back to it and drowned in its complexity over and over again through the course of these years.
I love it.

Great zombie survival game, been playing on and off for years. Great as a multiplayer game too

Probably my favorite game. Does everything right that you want in a twin stick shooter. Love the infinity drive, keep trying to get a new highscore. Been playing this off and on since it came out. Great game.

Love it, been loving it since it was a UT mod. Get a flamethrower, kill aliens