SMT V Vengeance is a perfect example of a "Enhancement".

Although the original release was lackluster in both story and hardware lock, and the the overall price of main game and DLC's. Vengeance is worth it if you are looking for a fresh SMT experience with up to date game design. The new added "Vengeance" story is actually meaningful and fun to play, the new areas were a blast to explore. The music was absolutely banging, and the graphics gorgeous. The gameplay was always good even in the original release.

Final thoughts: It is a challenging game even on normal difficulty, but for those who don't want to suffer there is safety difficulty. I raged quite a bit on some bosses.


The story of two wolf brothers who faced struggle and injustice, and It would have been BETTER if BOTH had telekinesis instead of just one. This game had its touchy moments but most of the time it was story based, it needed more action like Life is strange 1. The music and landscapes were beautiful though, lots of screenshot spots.

Like I said, I wish the story was more action based and a little less political... I did enjoy the brother's journey and I placed them above everyone mostly, GO WOLF BROTHERS

Insomniac never disappoints, they continue to deliver an amazing game with my personal favorite marvel character type "symbiotes". The Dynamic switching between both characters was really smooth and the traversal system with the winged gliders is also fluid. Act 2 was my favorite part of the game, the angry and aggressive peter with the symbiote suit is just so Emo and badass. Just everything that related to the symbiotes was perfect, but I do wish you could play as venom more like in Ultimate Spider-Man.

This is a unique experience from SquareEnix, I personally enjoyed Max as a protagonist alot, the time rewind and time travel theme was really cool. The story is amazing I was shocked at the villain twist. There are a lot of mature themes that some people might find disturbing but it is what it is. This game is not meant for those who played the walking dead and are accustomed to the action. This game is more story based, it is like watching a movie where your choices shape the story. Overall the script was spectacular and this game really had me emotionally invested, an amazing unique experience.

I loved the story and characters in X so much that I couldn't wait to play X-2 and see what Journey Yuna, Riku, and Paine would have. I was surprised to see how different this game is than the original, both the gameplay and narrative are different and maybe that's why most people don't like this game.

Is the Story good : It was enjoyable, had great humor, and a nice conclusion to some of the characters. I just have this MAJOR criticism, and it's about the RIDICULOUS Perfect ending requirement as it needs 100% Story Completion, and to attain that on the first playthrough it's pretty much impossible without a guide. Even then it's still difficult, lots of things that can be missed. But the Good and Perfect endings wrap up the story very well for Yuna.

Is the Music good : It was alright, not as GOOD as the 10's music, but its nice.

Is the Gameplay good : The gameplay mechanic for X-2 is based on dresspheres, which are equipable and changeable outfits with different abilities, I liked it myself. But another criticism I have is the ANNOYING Trophies like defeating the boss under Bevelle, "Via Infinito" is an ATROCIOUS dungeon, 100 Copy Pasted Floors with some good bosses in it.

Overall, it was a great game and people who couldn't handle the depression after X's ending, then you should go for the GOOD ending, which has a few missable steps. X and X-2 are games I will never forget, absolutely amazing Final Fantasy games!

X-2 LAST MISSION is a complete joke of a game, the gameplay is horrible, and only reason you'd climb 80 floors of generated nonesense is for the achievements. You can just watch the cutscenes on youtube if you're not a trophy hunter... The story is nice but not worth that gameplay

I went into this game with so many great expectations, this game is praised so much, some even say it's the "Best RPG of all time" while I simply think it isn't entirely true. But I can understand where they are coming from, it's a heartfelt journey with a really well done love story.

Is the Story good : Yes I think it was amazing, the connection the characters had, the journey they endured together, it was awesome. Especially the Underwater Date Scene

Is the Music good : Of course it is, the music reflects well on areas, characters, and story moments.

Is the Gameplay good : HONESTLY it was not that great, they even added Boosters and Cheat Unlocks in the Menu, it just shows how grindy this game is, it has the outdated RPG gameplay with random encounters and inflated enemy HP bars. So don't go into this game expecting exciting gameplay.

Overall, if you are an avid Final Fantasy Fan, or want to get into the series & experience a great story, then you should play this game for sure! Probably will cut down your playtime if you disable random encounters.

I am very glad that the final game in this trilogy was the best, Lightning Returns is not as big as the other two games, but the writing and questing system was really amazing. The ATB Battle System was the most fun with the Overclock mechanic.

The music is amazing as always, the story and characters were well written, Lightning is a true example on how to write a good strong female protagonist.

+Improved Battle System
+Beautiful Music
+Nice Explorable Areas
+Lightning is Best Girl
+Nice Open-Zone world
+Challenging Bosses for NG+ or NG+++
+PC port did not need fixing like previous two games

-Majora's Mask type of gameplay, in-game clock is always running and you can only stop time with Chronostasis Ability, which requires Energy Points. You can extend days left by doing Main Quests + Side Quests

-Normal Mode is almost like hard mode for first time players, just play on Easy mode to enjoy the game

-Encounter rate gets annoying sometimes

Conclusion: If you're a Square Enix/Final Fantasy Fan, and you completed most of the good games, then you might want to play this Trilogy. While it isn't as good as FF7 or FFX, it is enjoyable when you try your best to understand the story.

This is the second installment in the FFXIII Trilogy, and in terms of story I would say this game was an improvement. Below are my overall thoughts on the game.

+Better Storyline/Pacing than the first game
+IMO more fun gameplay, overworld map with selectable time periods
+Soundtrack is beautiful as always
+Graphics look really good with the HD mod
+Lightning's Goddess outfit is HOT
+Noel is a dope character
+Time Traveling Shenanigans, perfect for a DC Flash Fan

-The PC port is absolute garbage, it is so outdated and you will need to install some mods and the FF13 Fix for maximum enjoyment

-Story has the same confusion and complexity as Kingdom Hearts, using time travel in story telling can demolish all of the momentum. I enjoyed it since I like time travel, but I think they could have eased on that factor.

-Encounter rate can get pretty annoying after a while

Overall, it wasn't that bad... I enjoyed the scenery and the amazing beautiful soundtrack, and the setting was cool too, 7.8/10

I remember after finishing the Original Persona 3 FES, I joined a "Persona 3 Remake" server on discord, back then it was only a dream that Persona 3 gets a remake. But dreams sometimes come true...

This Remake is so amazing it fixes all issues with the Original game, brings new soundtracks that are top notch, satisfying gameplay, and gorgeous graphics. The voice acting and day to day life is really good too. It's everything I ever wanted from a Persona 3 Remake... 10/10 Persona Game


Ada is so hot, great story mode.

After playing the remake I wanted to experience the OG since it's obviously different, here are my main pointers.

1. I appreciate the remake even more for fixing the combat, characters, and lining the story better

2. A lot of missing/different content it was like playing an entire different game

3. Good atmosphere reminds me of older games I played for PS2

4. Enemies pissed me off, like DMC level of annoying enemies sometimes, clunky shooting mechanics.

5. Ada is somehow even hotter and flirts more, she's just a badass Queen 👑

This game was amazing, the atmosphere, location, enemies, graphics, music, everything was top notch. I did play the original and I see how it improved 100%. There isn't much for me to complain other than the enemies are sponges for bullets, you run out of ammo and basically every regular item fast. You can be like me and run past a lot of the enemies lol.

Ada is so badass and hot, but her Voice actor is different from the RE2 Remake and that kinda threw me off, I hear alot of complains on how she sounds bored all the time and I can agree, but its not terrible voice acting. Ada literally carries the crucial plot moments.

The two enemies that scared the shit out of me were the Verdugo and the Regenerator, those two shits were so horrifying... I enjoyed every boss fight this game is awesome it gets a 9/10 for me.

This was my first Resident Evil game as I was seeing a lot of clips of RE 4, and I was mostly interested in Ada and Leon. So I wanted to experience Leon's story. Honestly this game scared the shit out of me a lot, especially Tyrant, the cat and mouse game is very terrifying you can hear his footsteps, he knows where you are always. The atmosphere is amazing.

But I really hated the annoying puzzles and backtracking, combat was alright, the DLC items are OP. Apart from going back and forth trying to search what to do next, this game is solid.

There are 2 runs for each of the two characters, but honestly I didn't feel like replaying the same thing over. For me Leon's First Run is Cannon + 2nd Run Ending.

Honestly it was fun especially the 4 different combats, but we all know Kiryu is the best one obviously, what made me so annoyed is the annoying lock on system, its so clunky,. Story was neat how 4 fates intertwined, but the immense amount of plot convenience and inconsistency is horrible.

I have defeated this one annoying ass person who is basically the villian, let me NOT subjugate them fully so they may wake up and shoot someone with a gun that just happens to be in the vicinity of them

Fucking dumass, you need to make sure they're down for good, and why are you just letting a fully loaded and armed gun near them? Oh well, once you play Yakuza 0 (God Tier Game) you just notice the horrible quality of some of these Yakuza games.

Well I'm glad that's over with... I played this game just because it's a mainline Yakuza game. It's basically Papa Kiryu babysits 9 children in his Orphanage on Okinawa. And gets into a wacky adventure like always. The combat isn't even that good really, but there were some memorable moments that I liked in the story. Overall though this is said to be the weakest Yakuza game in the series.