I played this game in mass effect legendary edition. While the story and setting was great. The gameplay wasn't great and most side quests were absolutely terrible. I'd recommend playing it just so that you can play mass effect 2 which is much better.

This is my favorite game of all time. The world of the witcher and the setting of this game is undefeated in my book. With the new next generation update, the game runs and feels like it was made in 2019-2020. They updated the controls to feel more fluid and I can constantly hit 60+ frames. The story is also just amazing in this game. All of the characters feel so well done, to the point where I care about every single one of them. The DLCs are also amazing with hearts of stone adding a small area and a decently long quest line (about 1/6 - 1/4 of the game's length) and new mechanics that further improve the RPG elements. Blood and wine adds a completely new large area that is very different from the rest of the game as well as adding a longer story (1/3 the game's length) and new gear pieces. Overall the witcher 3 is a must play for anyone ever.

Update: Started ng+ and I am remembering why I fell in love with this game. It's the definition of perfection.

This game is scary while still being fun. You are a police officer who joins the raccoon police department. As you go to your new department, raccoon city has a zombie outbreak. You are forced to fight through zombies while trying to escape and save the city. It is very very good, I highly recommend.

This game is very good, but weak in some areas. If you don't like dark souls, you won't like this game. This is the first open world soulsborne and it works very well. The world is vast and full of things to do and new unique gear pieces to find. This game is pretty difficult and has no way to lower the difficulty (other than using overpowered or broken builds) so make sure you're prepared for a challenge. You level up using currency that you either find in the world or get by killing enemies and enhance your weapons by using materials you find. You use your leveled up character and upgraded weapons to fight bosses and journey to become the elden lord. Where this game is weak is it's story. While you can understand a good amount of the story by just playing, a lot of it requires you to put together pieces and find side quests that are easily missed. For me to experience all of the game's content, I was forced to look up a guide to where to find and how to complete all the quests on my second play through. Overall, this game is amazing and I highly recommend it anyone.

This game is truly amazing. While it is a linear story game, it still manages to be in my top 5 games. This game takes place in post zombie apocalypse America, but instead of focusing on the zombies and survival, it focuses on the people who survived. As you journey to bring a 14 year old girl to the other side of the country, you meet others and develop relationships. This game has a very fun and unique combat system as it really feels as if you're a survivor because of the way you fight. Later in the game, the story really shines and has you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next. I unfortunately don't have a Ps5 yet so I haven't been able to play the remake, however, the remaster is still playable and really not that dated. Overall, this game is a classic and I recommend it to anyone who has a Playstation.

This is my favorite game of all time. The world of the witcher and the setting of this game is undefeated in my book. With the new next generation update, the game runs and feels like it was made in 2019-2020. They updated the controls to feel more fluid and I can constantly hit 60+ frames. The story is also just amazing in this game. All of the characters feel so well done, to the point where I care about every single one of them. The DLCs are also amazing with hearts of stone adding a small area and a decently long quest line (about 1/6 - 1/4 of the game's length) and new mechanics that further improve the RPG elements. Blood and wine adds a completely new large area that is very different from the rest of the game as well as adding a longer story (1/3 the game's length) and new gear pieces. Overall the witcher 3 is a must play for anyone ever.

So far, this game is amazing, top three games of all time in my opinion. This game takes breath of the wild, an absolutely amazing game, and removes most of the annoying features while adding new ones and changing others. The map is almost two times the size of botw due to the verticality. I'm about 15 hours in and have barely done any main quests other than the tutorial zone. This game has so much side content, but it isn't repetitive. One of my favorite games to date.