11 reviews liked by Hobbles

Just wow. This game is... Wow. One of the best games I've ever played.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a type of game that comes around very rarely. A game that reminds people just what can be done within the art of video-game development. I hesitate to call this game more "important" than anything else released in a while, because that risks putting down other creative works made by much smaller teams that don't have the resources to create something on the magnitude of this, but i won't hesitate in calling this one of highest examples of art that I've personally experienced. You can just feel every inch of work that took 400+ immensely talented people to create. This game shows exemplary showmanship of writing, story, characters, world-building, game play, acting, music, Karlach, player choice, and I'm running out of things to add here that make up a video-game. I genuinely believe that this is one of the greatest games I've ever played, and I don't think any words I type here can do justice on my feelings on this game.

So I won't type anymore. There's nothing more to say. Thank you Larian Studios. Thank you to every single person that contributed in creating something I've never going to stop thinking about. Thank you for creating this wonderful piece of art.

I don't like live service games. The constant grind to see meaningless numbers go up in an always online setting that incentives toxicity and constant consumer spending makes my blood boil. The carrot on a stick approach so many of these games take for their content causes me to feel like I'm treated as a digital wallet with supposed infinite free time to spend on a meaningless world with often times, serviceable gameplay.

Helldivers 2 is different. It has some of the live service elements I talked about like monetization and constant rotating mission structure, but it always feel like it a takes a huge back seat to what it really cares about, the gameplay. It's incredibly well designed and extremely fun. Missions incentivise constant team cooperation and objectives constantly provide fun and enganging scenarios with incredibly tight gun gameplay. It's a game that reminds me of old classics like Halo Reach or 3. A game built on the one goal of just having a good time instead of milking you for all you're worth.

Super fun with friends even if it feels like corporations are having a suck-off sometimes.

Face value this game is awesome, but once you start playing this game has the same quality as modern porn games.

Shoot McShooty in the face
+ ...but not in the arm
+ ...but not in the leg
+ ...but not in the chest

This review is for all versions of the game. its a big meme game which is fine