Fun game that really starts to mark it as special when you learn how to properly do aerials, but you eventually after (a quite long time) get bored and move on. Also heavily dependent on who you play with if you have a good time.

Charming isometric rpg mixed with rt gameplay, the rts in the story is my least favorite but overall still a solid and pretty game of it's type.

Really god damn boring, even with an s/o or good friend.

Great game, it and hong kong are up there as competitive titles to each other. Overall this is a lot more streamlined I think but shadowrun hong kong has a large scale. But yeah, charming characters, charming world, interesting builds, etc.

Good game that plays better than any of the others in it's series (most recent in the dark souls proper series being dark souls 3). Some fun bosses, faster than the original, a lot less reliant on shields, and just fun. I prefer nioh but this is my fav of the trilogy.

Kind of jank, but FULL of charm. It's a pretty and also very atmospheric AA game, with a killer soundtrack too. I want more games in this world.

Just boring, I've tried to get back into beating my first playthrough like 4 times over the years, and even back then I dropped it, and by todays standards of both the industry and me, holy shit it's just boring. One of the earliest "ubisoft formula" games for open world, and it's just not good.

While I like the unlimited ammo system of the first game conceptually, this game makes much needed improvements to the combat that makes it feel better (not perfect). Overall it's an interesting world, but is mainly hurt by just how far gaming has come.

Solid stealth game with rpg-lite mechanics, I really like the world, the main isn't that interesting but the world sure is. Cyberpunk is such a cool genre and it feels very cool in this world, albeit with some janky character models and delivery, but overall a great game to play.

More of the same, I liked it, it clearly had improvements to the first game, and now I'm just waiting for 3 to hopefully come to pc/ps4/ps5 (one of these) before I can continue the series. The main isn't quite as interesting as the first ones, but the supporting characters feel stronger.

Pretty game, some solid bosses, but gets pretty damn repetitive. Weapon variety is cool though, but enemies are TOOOOO tanky. Beat the game, didn't delve into post game stuff, don't feel a desire to do so or the iceborne expansion either. Doing the same hunts a lot doesn't seem interesting to me.

Game starts good because the community is cancerous. Also the game just gets really repetitive. It's good if you want to just have a game to play when friends come over, but otherwise give it a pass. I platinumed this and that made me hate this game. Also 35.3 hours on pc.

Hasn't aged the best but is just some nerdy mythology rts that has a I'd say more charming main storyline than age of empires 3, or at least the characters are more interesting and throwing fantasy at it is more charming than guns. Definitely a lot of annoying repeated lines though, but overall I'm super nostalgic for this.

It's fine to play for a while but you'll get bored partway into a match, then start another down the line. The beginning and mid game is more interesting than the end game and honestly it becomes kind of overwhelming eventually with how long games go. Gets worse the more you play it.

One of my favorite indie games and probably my go to in the genre. Very cool world that you should play in game order cuz it's one giant epic/saga. Management convoy meets choices matter meets a unique tactics gameplay that factors in the size of units cuz they take up multiple spaces.