There is stuff to like but if you press a button, you're starting the whole campaign over no matter how well you're doing because of some issues with the game, and it's so easy to press it.

Honestly I don't understand people who like the core gameplay loop of just driving around and shooting people, and the characters aren't interesting enough to drive this game considering how long it takes to drive to locations, and a lot of missions have you driving to places without fast travel or anything.

4th wall breaks and unique mechanics make this game from the dev of The Hex and Inscryption a must play as well.

A unique indie game where you control the words of a storybook to make use of the words in the world world to avoid certain death.


Super fun core gameplay but one hit and you start over system. Overall very vibe and satisfying, you get new unlocks after doing certain things successfully, but there isn't A LOT of that, but still good to mix things up a little.

Core older style adventure game with tons of style.

Good game, but dead and unsupported. Fun with friends.

Unique physics based 3d "platformer" where you use wrapping to do stuff like stabilize your movement to go across things or up things.

Idk, the game is just kind of fun to explore, pillage, have dumb rock paper scissors style sword/dancing where you have to read and time things out, etc. I'm super nostalgic for this game and it's just still to this day one of the better pirate games around sadly (and to it's own credit)

I might be dumb for liking the gameplay loop of this so much, despite it just being weird meme shit on top of pong, and shooting fireballs and stuff, but I did, pretty damn unique.

Fun and super cool art, with the only real main weakness is that you'll get stuck at some point and bar you "cheating" with online guides, it'll just drain you of some enjoyment for the video game.

SUPER charming simplistic design (still very aesthetic) game where you do stuff like help others, and coming together to defeat evil, super cute and full of stuff to love.

"Go grab these 3 things" the game, at first the game isn't too bad, but it's just a game of it's time, in a very generic "of it's time" way. The game design of this video game will make you want to quit the game after you make progress then realize you need 3 more things to continue on, rinse repeat. Just boring and soul wrenching.

Decent enough couch co op of like newgrounds tier, but massively overrated.