4 Reviews liked by Horace_As_A_Dino

The AI art is really distracting (everyone looks like a fucked-up fashion model) but the game is pretty great.

A really charming little game. Feels great to play and pretty much every upgrade feels substantial and impactful. The highest praise I can give it is that I was excited to play it after work, a feat for my tired ass.

I struggle to call it a downside because I never really noticed it until the end, but the final encounter felt like ballet once I had a wide range of abilities. I ended the game wanting more encounters like that and would love for it to be expanded on in the future.

A fun Metroidvania with some amazing movement options that is gives you many ways to overcome obstacles. This game really needs a map as its easy to get lost in. I think the dev is planning on a map though. I like the early 3D polygon aesthestic but most of the areas looked identical.

Its very cheap (I believe like £5 on Steam) so if you like games like Mario 64 or Demon Turf I recommend checking it out. Maybe wait for the dev to add a map.

Aside from being a passionate love letter to cinema, The Wreck couldn't used the power of storytelling in video game medium well enough, despite its highly creative narrative ideas. They work well on paper, so you can't help but think that maybe they should've stay on paper as a novel. But game's sensitive and striking dialogues manage to carry its heartbreaking story about domestic traumas along with grief. And entire gameplay is just a loop and it ties that loop so perfectly to final of the game that it's hard not to be amazed.