4 reviews liked by Hs5

The second favourite NES game of mine, it’s so good. Fuck the haters.

do you want to play mario party with no minigames by yourself for 40 hours just so you can see your favorite characters interact for about 20 seconds worth of dialogue?

have fun



Playing this game feels like trying to play a board game your cousin has left on your grandmas house and not remembering how to play with the only guidance of some rules book in a language you cant even make out (maybe it's just french?). OFF has great puzzles, VERY good music and a masterpiece with regard to the worldbuilding aspect of the game. The only thing that leaves a bad taste might be the actual fightplay imo, but it still is and will always be a chef-d'oeuvre in the history of videogames.

One of the best games, artistically speaking, that I've ever unearthed. Critters for Sale is a surreal experience, if not a drug-induced phenomenon, that captivates any videogame enthusiast. Although it can be a little bit confusing at times, the way its charismatic characters and extravagant scenarios are presented, makes you want everything it has to offer. Very delighted to know this is the first of a dreamlike series.