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13 hrs ago

Hubes backloggd Redout 2

13 hrs ago

Hubes followed theia

1 day ago

Hubes finished Grow Up
Just a lil robot wearing silly costumes and floating around a planet, ain't life great! Well I suppose life would be better if MOM wasn't in pieces, but then we wouldn't have the premise for the game.

Seriously though, Grow Up is a fun, medium sized open world platformer that has a lot of creativity when it comes to its world building and sense of exploration. The controls and movement feel appropriate for a little robot in space, though, as a result, they aren't quite precise enough for me to get fully hooked and locked in to 100% everything. My only real complaint is having to grow the star plants, it's a great concept but in practice it's their too unwieldy and platforming on the plant itself is too rough for it to be fun when it can't quite reach your intended target and then you have to turn around and find the next growth spot to try again (and probably again and again and again.)

4 days ago

5 days ago

Hubes is now playing Bangai-O

5 days ago

5 days ago

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