It's been forever since I've played most of the X games and I've hardly touched the PS2 ones so I decided to play through the whole series. The whole experience has been very interesting, X1, X2, and X4 are some of my favorite games but having hardly played the others it was fascinating to see where the series went. It's just... I haven't yet internalized the fact that I'm playing the next game...

you know maybe I should call this off actually I'm getting a little exhausted. like maybe I should go on vacation or something or see a doctor or something just spitballing. I mean maybe my PS2 isn't working so I can't play it I mean I could always not play the game you know that sounds nice I mean like I can try alcohol that seems like fun maybe

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2022


1 year ago

You must suffer like all the rest of us tormented souls that played X7

1 year ago

@OvisAries I hear that the English version increased the health bars on all of the enemies and bosses which apparently makes the game literally torture. But if I play the Japanese version, I miss out on oscar-winning voice acting. Which should I go with?

7 months ago

As someone that had to play this game 12th times on at least 5 different systems, alcohol doesn't seem like a bad idea

7 months ago

@Moister might I ask why you played this game twelve times?

7 months ago

@HylianBran Trying to analyze it. And I couldn't properly