Mega Man 7 1995

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 30, 2023

First played

December 26, 2023

Platforms Played


I can acknowledge the good of this game, but in my experience playing, I found that good to be so minimal and the bad to be so noticeable that I can't stand this game at times. Starting with the good, I think the music in this game is pretty good, which is pretty expected for Mega Man but I think it sounds much better due to the soundchip. The game visually also looks really great and much more expressive, which is surprising considering they only developed it in three months, pretty impressive. However, the sprites feel so much larger in relation to the screen size, making this game feel really cramped unlike the previous games. It feels hard to see what's coming at times and it can get pretty frustrating. What's most frustrating are the levels, which feel full of gimmicks and death traps that make the game so much more annoying to play. I found the levels got much worse the further the game went on. I wasn't feeling it with the first set of Robot Masters, but the second set didn't have a singular level I liked and the Wily Castle was even worse than that. The Robot Masters either felt boring to fight (Spring Man, Junk Man, etc) or really cheap and annoying (Shade Man, Slash Man, etc). The worst offender goes to the final boss, which is both. The Wily Machine 7 is such a boring and long fight and you need to do it every time you die to Wily Capsule 7, which is easily the hardest and most annoying boss I've ever fought in a video game, easily my least favourite boss of all time. I spent almost three hours on just that boss alone when I intended to finish this game a lot earlier, but unfortunately for me I had to suffer a lot longer than I'd have liked. The weapon selection is kind of decent, but there are some that I really don't like and quite a few that feel gimmicky and as a result I never found a use for them. I hate that Wild Coil was the weapon they expected you to use to beat Wily Capsule 7 because that weapon doesn't feel suited for that boss at all. There's also the hidden collectables in the stages, but even though 5 and 6 had these as well, I think this is the worst way to implement them. 5 had a few bosses weak to Beat, which you get from finding the hidden letters in the stages, but not having Beat wouldn't screw you over, while 6 doesn't have any boss weak to Beat but it's a nice little reward for finding the hidden paths to the boss room. 7 has hidden items that feel almost mandatory in order to beat the game. I say almost mandatory as I didn't have some items like the Rush Adaptor, but it felt like I needed it in the Wily Castle stages at almost all times and had to make do with the Rush Coil. Hidden collectibles shouldn't be mandatory at all, which they aren't here, but I almost gave up so many times because of how poor the design in those levels are. As much as I'm complaining about it, I don't think I could put this game any lower than this score, which is the same score I gave Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, fitting as I see these two games to be equally annoying and just not fun to play. Overall, I find this game to be really frustrating and while this game has some good elements that stand out moving away from the Classic SNES games, the bad aspects make this game almost unbearable for me.