41 reviews liked by IAmSobble

The first good Mario game
Cons: Overrated slop, Oversaturated the mario maker level market.
Pros: The Yosh, Mario Jumpman Mario, The first mario to look visually appealing, Kaizo Mario.

Eggman did nothing wrong.
Cons: Greenhill zone, start of the Sonic fanbase, Eggman loses
Pros: Marble and Labyrinth Zone are peak gaming, Eggman, Ost, First game looks visually appealing compared to Marioslop 1

Better than the new mario kart slopproducer
Cons: Mario Kart
Pros: Scott Wozniak video

Sonic 1 bros, it's over....
Cons: Not memorable
Pros: Chemical Plant, Lil bro mode

Played half of this game on 2x speed due to my monitor's refresh rate until metal sonic cooked me
Cons: travelling through time is annoying to do
Pros: time travel, bad end.

Ness from smash bros.
Cons: smash fans
Pros: Ness from smash bros. an actual good rpg game.

S&K wow... truly was the knuckles we eggmanned along the way.
Cons: Missing a half the game
Pros: "& Knuckles"

Sonic 3&K = kino
Cons: none
Pros: Cinematics.

Speed up turned this into a masterpiece
Cons: None
Pros: Worked on by every big jrpg developer, Magus, Lavos being accessible from the beggning of the game, multiple endings.

persona bros... I tried....
Cons: gameplay is not fun, story is meh at best, overrated by the entire elitist community of persona
Pros: Running into walls, being able to choose (some) party members, multiple endings, the main character playing the arcade machine. Characters are actually pretty decent/good.