Incredible remake that shows what valve should have done with this game if they put the effort in.

A genre defining game that had a massive effect on fps games at the time and helped to inspire some of the best fps games in the genre like Bioshock overall a great game besides the graphics which of course was a sign of the times.

What is there to say that hasn’t been said about this game it revolutionized 3D platformers and still has an affect on the industry to this very day. An incredible game overall.

Easily my favorite game of all time the writing is hilarious while also being interesting and deep at some points, I always go back to play this multiple times a year because it never fails to put a smile on my face. WHERE THE FUCK IS PORTAL 3

Probably the most underrated Bioshock game in the franchise the main story is quite gripping and the dlc story is even better with a heartbreaking story with new characters that helps to make the world of rapture feel even more alive.

Probably the best game in the half life 2 episodic trilogy (sigh) and that ending will forever be one of the most infamous cliffhanger endings of all time.

Easily the best 3D Mario experience the capture mechanic is incredible and I hope they do even more with it in the next game.

Cozy little game to pass the time to get away from the real world wish it got more content but for what it is it’s a comforting game to put some hours into by yourself or some friends.

One of my favorite games of all time from the lonely atmosphere to the dark comedy that gets sprinkled throughout,this is one of the best puzzle games ever made and just the beginning of a brilliant franchise.