It's gta v, you don't need me to tell you how good this game is.

Zelda ripoff with gacha elements, decent if you got nothing to play

Earlier it was trash, now after 1.5 patch it's worth checking out, it's good story got shadowed by bad optimisation, you can't argue me, Keanu here stole the show

It's tough, but it's fair. Every builds are viable and combat is so good that's it's almost addicting.

It's a masterpiece, story like this is never told before in any video game. Realism in this game feels so unreal, it's worth checking out just for the environment in this game.

Good game, great combat. Sephiroth is cool, get the game and enjoy it's worth it.

Beautiful game with amazing soundtracks and challenging combat, a polished experience by indie team.


Doom is boom. Killing demons is fun.