This game's pretty fun lol

Pretty good representation of the obsessiveness and desperation that can be born from loneliness with some cool creative use of its structure to tell its story.

A fun spin on the roguelike dungeon crawler genre. Manages to have engaging fast paced gameplay and charming art and writing.

Even more unsettlingly intimate than the first. The increased production value allows for an even more effective sense of creeping dread and anxiety especially in the game's opening and ending.

A short surreal and unsettling experience that feels like the someone is trying to convey something similar to what they themself have been through

Playing this game made me appreciate the first more as while I did overall enjoy my time with it, it's very much a game that was compromised in many ways.

Incredibly atmospheric, tense, and filled with tons of depth both in gameplay and lore/story. While this game is cruel there is so much more to it than that. There's a method to its brutality and an intricately thought out world for you to discover as you delve into the dungeons of fear and hunger. This is an fantastic passionately created game that's well worth your time and attention.

Cute little action rpg that combines its fun gameplay, visuals, and genuinely witty writing to make quite a charming if a bit janky experience.

One of the most charming and heartful games out there

An excellent addition to an already excellent game.


This game helped create my new group of friends who i value very much so I love it for that

I don't think I've ever played a game more empathetic to the struggles humanity faces in the wake of a world filled with systems that cause us to hurt each other. The pure fervor with which this game recognizes the value of life, connection, and legacy is heart warming in a way I don't think I can fully describe. It is understanding of humanity, faults and all, always choosing to approach its conflicts from a point of empathy. At the same time it isn't naive, it knows that in order to create true change for the betterment of humanity action must be taken. All this is conveyed excellently not just through its fantastically written, directed, and voice acted cutscenes but through the mechanics as well. Things like the affinity chart updating character relationships between every NPC in the game as you speak to and do side quests for them. The way in which you unlock new classes by completing hero quests in which you gain perspective on the various colonies that scatter the world allowing you to be empathetic to the struggles of the denizens of Aionios as a whole. The way in which both hero quests and regular side quests manage to expand on aspects of the game's themes and worldbuilding. This isn't even mentioning the cast who's lovable personalities and engaging character arcs manage to meld perfectly with the game's themes as well. There's so much about this game that speaks to me on a personal and emotional level far more than I think I could ever put into a backloggd review but it's safe to say that this is one of the most thematically consistent, life affirming games out there and my new favorite game of all time.

This is a game dripping with character, detail, and artistry. With its unique intricately designed world, deep fast paced combat system, well written, paced, and presented narrative, and lovable cast it's no wonder the game's become an instant classic to those who've played it. Not to mention how well the many elements of the mechanics and narrative come together to support the game's themes creating one of the most solid cohesive experiences in gaming.

Charming little racing game that while a bit jank in areas and maybe not the best translated manages to combine racing and rpg mechanics in an interesting way. All while telling a fun cute story.