The game that got me into the series; an all time RPG in such a unique setting.

An absolutely insane game that has memorable boss battles and is peak stupid fun. Nothing ever compares to annihilating your foes yelling "CRANBERRY CHOCOLATE SUNDAE"

The game I played for the soundtrack, and the story and gameplay slapped along with it.

It has its flaws, but the story grips you and the combat does open up beyond just Press X to Win. Looks gorgeous, sounds gorgeous, has heart.

A definite improvement on the battle system, but storyline, while still strong, isn't as impactful as the original. Plus the ending is a let down

Track editor was a ton of fun, the actual tracks/series themselves felt very uninspired.


Best cross-eyed intro sequence with 6 fingered guitar playing.

One of the OG racing games that was in depth and took the NASCAR experience onto the PS1. Has severe rubber banding but is a decent experience.

Physics were not great on PS1 version and braking was absolutely not intuitive.

I "played" this one (I did get through a portion of it, my sister 100% it) but had fun just watching it being played. The characters have a ton of charm, the art style absolutely pops and is lively and colorful. Some levels were a bit of a mess with platforming but overall an absolute gem.

My personal favorite of the series, sharpens up the gaps from one and has an all time antagonist.

Being able to play as other characters.
The characters sometimes just were completely broken and frustrating to play.

Had an interesting concept, but was just not gripping or good enough to keep me interested.

The Grand Prix tracks were fun, the battle arenas were absolute chaos. Was fun climbing the block towers to unlock everything although some characters towers were way too short.