Dang, this game was a trip. The melee combat was fun, the storyline was really great, all the characters are ridiculous and was cool to see the character progression of Jimmy throughout the game.

An absolute masterpiece. Epic soundtrack, epic storyline and gameplay that is super fun, crisp, clean and engrossing. An absolute must play.

This game was cute as hell playing when growing up.

This game, ugh.

The combat here is a ton of fun and the boss battles were fun to go through - at first. Having to go through the loop 4 times though? I only did it out of complete spite but did not enjoy the loops (nor did it really provide any payoff at all). This game was the reason I held off on Octopath Traveler (even though they have nothing in common, I saw the title style be the same and just noped out) because of the design choices in this.



An all time RPG that nails it in gameplay and atmosphere. It's oppressive, brutal, and cold, but it also finds places of humor and obsurdity. An absolute must play in the series.

An absolute trip of a game. Are the controls out dated now? Yes. Is it nonsensical? Yes. Is it enjoyable? Yes.

Simple, addictive game loop. Insane how much time you can sink into this.

Played through at least 9 times. Loved every run.

Not the popular fun one, but this was one of the games I loved the most back in 2009.

A great addition to the mainline SMT franchise. The battle mechanics make up for a mostly lost storyline.

An enhanced version of an already all time JRPG.

Decent gameplay loop, but just never stuck with me.

An amazing gameplay experience that redefined the series. Just wished there was more plot.