Quite possibly the most unhinged game I've ever witnessed

Really fun! I'd say I prefer Rev 2 but this is still an enjoyable time

The song made for this game is a banger but OH MY GOD this is fucking awful in every way

I love the horror genre so fucking much man

Objectively the best version because Knuckles

A neat little idea but got boring quickly

The best Walking Dead content. No contest at all

More functional than the Wii U game but still an abomination

Even though Forces is the Sonic game I despise the most, I think this is the objective worst Sonic game. Horrible story, even worse writing, it looks and sounds hideous, the characters suck, and the gameplay makes Sonic 06 look fun in comparison. Legit there is not a good thing to say about this game except the characters are SOMETIMES well-animated. Lyric is the worst villain in Sonic history and I'm glad we'll never see him again. Not even the TV show included or even mentioned him. This game is ass, the show was better

A much better game than the first HW with improved models, more creative mini-games and it's always a joy to see the Glamrocks and Funtimes in a game that doesn't suck. I'm really not a fan of the storytelling in the Steel Wool era of this series and this absolutely did nothing for me in that regard. Overall a pretty cool game!

"Oh my God.. I get it" -Danny DeVito