Super charming, and overall just an incredible Zelda game.

Lore-wise, I have absolutely no idea what's going on, but I don't really care because I had such a great time hunting monsters and being weirded out by a lot of the later zones.

While not as good as Borderlands 2, it sure as hell has its moments and I had a blast playing as FL4K while trying out a few different builds along the way.

More stupidly good fun that's well improved from the first game. Handsome Jack is such a great villain and Zer0 is my absolute favourite playable character out of the whole series.

Solid, stupid fun and always a good laugh

I love a lot of the new pokemon designs, however, a ​Switch game has no excuse looking this poor when you look at what other games have achieved on the same console. When Gamefreak had to remake all the pokemon models after moving on from the 3DS, you'd think they would've given them a facelift, brought some life and a lot more colour to them; but no they just look like the 3DS ones (which I already didn't like).
Also, while I hate dynamax and think Gamefreak would've been better off sticking with megas, dynamax adventures is really the only saving grace for me; a nice bit of replayability for shiny hunting with my friends.

Really enjoyed the region and a lot of the pokemon designs, and this version irons out the issues with S/M (mainly that horrendously long intro) and adds even more on top.

Solid remaster of the gen 3 games, introducing more megas was great, and the postgame was very good. However, similar to the other 3DS pokemon titles, it still suffers from the pokemon models being very bland and lifeless.

I loved the introduction of Mega evolutions, however overall the game just felt like it was lacking; and the models looked bland when compared to the sprites used in previous generations.

Great story for a Pokemon game, and probably the best looking main series game (animated sprites ftw, the models in later gens feel lifeless and bland).

The level curve is a bit weird but that's the only bad thing I have to say about it. It has so much content compared to other Pokemon titles. Overall it's up there as one of the best Pokemon games.

Improved on D/P (Hooray for finally having more than 2 fire types), and whilst still being a bit slow and having a lot of HMs it's still the best main series Pokemon game for me.

The start of the peak of pokemon (Gens 3 through 5) in my opinion. It has arguably the best starter trio, and the music is great (those trumpets just hit different). Love it

Sorted out a lot of the issues that plagued R/B/G for me and while it's still as slow as them, it's bearable. It also introduced my 2 favourite pokemon (Scizor and Heracross) so that's a bonus.

It's aged horribly, it's awfully slow and let's be honest, it's a broken mess. HOWEVER, it kickstarted one of my favourite franchises so that has to count for something.